Issues for COP4

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Fourth Conference of the Parties

Time and Place
Time: 23-27 February 1998
Place: Kuching, Malaysia
Venue: Riverside Majestic Hotel
Final Decision on Annex VII
COP4 Country Performance Reviews
Provisional Agenda
BAN Annotated Agenda
Greenpeace Briefs for COP-4 (links to Greenpeace International's website)
COP-4: the Key Issues at a Glance
How to Identify the Attempts to Undermine the Ban -- A Quick Guide
Annex VII Amendment Proposals
Background on Annex VII
UNEP/CHW.4/8-Amendment of the Basel Convention -- Proposal of Monaco
UNEP/CHW.4/9-Amendment of the Basel Convention -- Proposal of Israel
ACP-EU Joint Assembly Resolution
EU Commission Legal Opinion on Article 11
Hazardous Waste Definitions
Background on Basel Hazardous Waste Definitions
UNEP/CHW.4/2 -- Draft Position Paper on Hazard Characterization and Classification of Wastes within the Framework of the Basel Convention
UNEP/CHW.4/3 -- Consolidated Lists of Wastes and the Applicable Procedure for Their Review or Adjustment
UNEP/CHW.4/4 -- Wastes Placed on List C Awaiting Classification
Proposed Amendment: European Community
Proposed Amendment: Chile
Slovenia Letter Proposing their Entry into Annex VII