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Check out [[Basel Action Network]]
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|colspan="2" style="padding:15px;background-color:#white; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color:black; text-align: center"|<b>Welcome to the Basel Action Network's new wiki page!</b>
Our Library:
This will be a continually updated work-in-progress. Our plan is to assemble the most comprehensive collection of toxic trade information available online. Submissions & feedback are always welcome!
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<h2>Important Documents</h2>
* [http://wiki.ban.org/images/8/84/UNEP-CHW-IMPL-CONVTEXT_-_English.pdf Basel Convention - On the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal]
* [http://wiki.ban.org/images/4/4e/BAN_IPEN_Basel_Ban_Amend_Guide_Nov2019.pdf The Entry Into Force of the Basel Ban Amendment -- BAN/IPEN]
* [http://wiki.ban.org/images/6/64/La_Entrada_en_Vigor_de_la_Enmienda_de_Prohibicion_del_Convenio_de_Basilea_-_Implicaciones_y_Proximos_Alcances.pdf La Entrada en Vigor de la Enmienda de Prohibición del Convenio de Basilea:  Implicaciones y Próximos Alcances - BAN/IPEN]
* [https://ipen.org/sites/default/files/documents/ban-basel-fact-sheet-v2_0-ru.pdf Вступление В Силу Поправки О Запрете К Базельской Конвенции - BAN/IPEN]
* [https://ipen.org/sites/default/files/documents/ban-basel-fact-sheet-v2_1-fr.pdf L’entrée en Vigueur de L’amendement D’interdiction De Bâle un Guide Sur Les Implications et Les Prochaines Etapes - BAN/IPEN]
* [http://wiki.ban.org/images/3/3e/Norwegian_Implications.pdf The Norwegian Amendments / Summary of Implications for Recyclers]
<h3>Open Letters</h3>
<h2>Investigative Reports</h2>
* [http://wiki.ban.org/images/1/1b/Report_EU_SRR_Ban_Amendment_Green_Deal_-_BAN_EEB_GP_SBP.pdf Contradiction in Terms: European Union Must Align Its Waste Ship Exports With International Law and Green Deal]
* [http://wiki.ban.org/images/4/44/Dishonorable_Disposal_BAN_Report.pdf Dishonorable Disposal - The Case Against Dumping U.S. Naval Vessels at Sea]
* [http://wiki.ban.org/images/7/7f/Report_USContainer_Re-exports_Indonesia.pdf Report on Fate of Re-eports of Seized Illegal Imports of Waste from the USA to Indonesia]
* [http://ban.org/library/BANStatementonBeeArticle.pdf BAN Statement Regarding Past Violations of Pledge by Electronics Recycling International]
<h2>Basel Convention & Other Treaties</h2>
* [http://ban.org/library/Bonny_AndersLetter_EPA.pdf BAN&#8217;s Letter to the EPA, to halt the export of the recently reflagged ships Anders and Bonny]
* [[Basel Convention|Introduction to the Basel Convention]]
- 26 August 2009]
* [[Basel Convention Meetings|History of Basel Convention Meetings]]
* [http://ban.org/library/ISRILetterResponse.pdf BAN’s Response to the ISRI Letter to CBS’s 60 Minutes Program Regarding US e-Waste Exports]
* [[Ban Amendment]]
- 19 November 2008]
* [[Country Status|Country Status of Basel Convention & Ban Amendment]]
* [http://ban.org/library/081009_int_ngos_statement_of_solidarity.html International NGOs Statement of Solidarity with the Filipino People Against the Ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement &#8211; 9 October 2008]
* [[Treaties and International Agreements|Treaties & International Agreements]] - List and Status
* [http://ban.org/library/071002_cheerleader_for_trade.html DENR Playing Cheerleader for Trade &#8211; 2 October 2007 (Published)]
:: (Includes "International Toxics Progress Report Card")
* [http://ban.org/library/071002_improper_attribution.html Improper Attribution &#8211; 2 October 2007 (Published)]
* [http://ban.org/library/Gregoireletter.html Letter to Governor Gregoire, Governor of the State of Washington &#8211; 12 September 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/ecology.html Letter to Jay Shepard, Washington State Department of Ecology &#8211; 30 August 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/070817_dear_editor_pdi.html JPEPA and Petty Name Calling &#8211; 17 August 2007 (Published)]
* [http://ban.org/action/070423_japan_petition/default.html Civil Society Letter to His Excellency Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Calling for the Removal of Toxic Waste and Other Exploitative Provisions in the Various Japanese Economic Partnership Agreements]
- 3 May 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/070402_letter.html Japanese Citizen Groups Urge the Japanese Government to Remove Wastes from JTEPA, to Seek National Self-Sufficiency in Waste Management, and to End the Strategy for Export to Developing Countries &#8211; 2 April 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/Achim_Steiner_Letter.pdf Open letter to Dr. Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program]
- 12 March 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/070211_letter.html Japanese Citizen Groups Urge the Japanese Government to Remove Wastes from EPAs with Developing Countries and to Seek National Self-Sufficiency in the Waste Management &#8211; 11 February 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/Microsoft_Letter.pdf Open Letter to Mr. Bill Gates and Mr. Steve Ballmer of the Microsoft Corporation &#8211; 1 February 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/061208_letter.html Citizen Groups Joint Statement of Opinion, Critique of the Japanese Government&#8217;s Strategy to Export Wastes to Developing Countries Under the Name of International Resource Recycling &#8211; 8 December 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/061023_stavros_dimas.html Open letter of the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking to Mr. Stavros Dimas, Environment Commissioner &#8211; European Commission &#8211; 23 October 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/LettertoIanCampbell.pdf Letter to the Hon. Ian Campbell, Australia&#8217;s Minister for the Environment and Heritage, regarding export of hazardous waste for disposal &#8211; 6 September 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/060721_demand_letter.html Open letter of the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking Demanding Norwegian Cruise Lines to Buy-Back the SS Norway &#8211; 21 July 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/060205_letter.html Letter from Indian trade union to Intl&#8217; counterparts &#8211; 5 February 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/letter_from_danish_minister.pdf Letter from Danish Minister Hedegaard to Indian Minister Raja &#8211; 15 April 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/PMShipbreaking%20letter.pdf End of Life Vessel &#8220;Ferbec&#8221; on Its Way to a Shipbreaking Yard &#8211; 9 March 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/4RsFinal.pdf The 4Rs are the Way to a Sustainable Waste Policy: Comments to Commerce Department on 3Rs Initiative &#8211; 14 October 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/bennetletter2.PDF" Open Letter to Mr. David Anderson, Canadian Minister of the Environment Regarding the Construction of a Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Canada &#8211; 14 October 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/letter2.pdf Coalition Letter to Minister Alec Erwin, Minister of Trade and Industry of South Africa in Regards to South Africa&#8217;s Involvement in International Hazardous Waste Trade and South Africa&#8217;s Reluctance to Sign International Waste Ban &#8211; 25 April 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/letter2.pdf Coalition Letter to Mr. Valli Moosa, Environment Minister of South Africa in Regards to South Africa&#8217;s Involvement in International Hazardous Waste Trade and South Africa&#8217;s Reluctance to Sign International Waste Ban &#8211; 25 April 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/Workshop3statement.pdf Statement of Concern by Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition and the Basel Action Network regarding the 3rd OECD Workshop on Environmentally Sound Management of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations &#8211; 19 March 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/SIGNFIN2001.PDF" US NGO Letter to State Department regarding Basel Convention / Basel Ban Amendment Ratification &#8211; 9 August 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/Auken%20to%20Pawel.PDF Return Letter from Danish Environment Minister Svend Auken to NGOs &#8211; 14 May 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/ifc_letter.html NGO Letter to International Finance Corporation Regarding Health Care Investment &#8211; 7 May 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/Danishopenletter.pdf Open letter to Danish Government from NGOs Urging a Change in Waste Management Aid Projects- 18 April 2001]
[http://ban.org/library/street_letter.html Coalition Letter to Philadelphia Mayor, John Street, urging that he reclaim the incinerator ash dumped on Haiti &#8211; 27 January 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/mercurysignon.PDF" Coalition Letter to Undersecretary of Defense Gansler: Urging halt to shipment of mercury to India &#8211; 19 January 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/BrownerSignOnRetire.PDF" Coalition Letter to USEPA Administrator Carol Browner, Asking her to halt shipment of mercury to India &#8211; 14 November 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/moze_decision.html Ministry of Environment of Mozambique Final Decision on Pesticide Stockpiles Project &#8211; September 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/moosa.html Coalition Letter to Mr. Valli Moosa, Environment Minister of South Africa in regard to importation of toxic waste from Australia &#8211; 14 September 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/hill.html Coalition Letter to Mr. Robert Hill, Minister of Environment of Australia in regard to their export of toxic waste to South Africa &#8211; 12 September 2000]
* [http://ban.org/ban_news/enviros_denounce.html" Coalition Letter to David Anderson, Environment Minister of Canada regarding new attempts by US to dump military wastes in Canada &#8211; 31 August 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/Permit.PDF Notice of Permit by Australia to Export Toxic Waste to South Africa &#8211; July 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/felicia.html Coalition Letter to Felicia Marcus, Regional Administrator of region IX, regarding Defense Department PCBs going to Wake Island &#8211; 10 May 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/oecd_let.html Letter Announcing NGO Boycott of OECD Workshop on Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Recycling &#8211; 25 October 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/france.html Letter to French government authorities regarding Formosa Plastics Waste &#8211; 11 October 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/ban_comments.html BAN comments on OECD recommendations regarding “Harmonizing” OECD Waste management decisions with the Basel Convention &#8211; 4 October 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/EPA_taiwan.html Letter to Taiwan EPA &#8211; 24 August 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/clarke3.html Urgent third letter to Chuck Clarke, Region X EPA Administrator, regarding impending shipment of FPG toxic waste &#8211; 20 July 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/clarke2.html Second letter to Chuck Clarke, Region X EPA Administrator, regarding plan to import FPG waste into the USA &#8211; 1 July 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/clarke.html Letter to Chuck Clarke, Region X EPA Administrator, regarding plan to import FPG waste into the USA]
- 26 May 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/poulet3_response.html Response to third coalition letter by Mr. Poul Neilson re: Danish promotion of incinerator in Mozambique- January 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/sam_rainsy.html Cambodia: Sam Rainsy Party Position Paper on Hazardous Waste Dumping in Cambodia &#8211; 25 January 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/poulet3.html Third letter to Danish Minister of Development, Mr. Poul Nielson, re: Danish promotion of incinerator in Mozambique &#8211; 22 December 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/danish_letter2.html Second letter to Danish Minister of Development, Mr. Poul Nielson, re: Danish promotion of incinerator in Mozambique &#8211; 23 July 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/danish_letter.html Letter to Danish Minster of Development, re: Danish promotion of incinerator in Mozambique]
- 2 July 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/usletter.html Letter sent by USA Environmental Organizations to US State Department on the subject of USA ratification of the Basel Convention &#8211; 8 May 1998]
<h3>Speeches, Opinion and Editorials</h3>
|rowspan="2" style="padding:15px;background-color:white; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color:black"|<h2>Images</h2>
[[File:Stone_Castle_2014_Charred_Televisions.jpg|thumb|"Charred televisions from 2014 found in Parowan, Utah. Electronics were improperly stored outside by Stone Castle Recycling and were caught in a blaze of indeterminate origin, releasing dangerous toxins into the surrounding area." - Link to report/page]]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/100813_three_reasons.html BAN Editorial: &#8220;Three Reasons Why Prof. Eric Williams has it Wrong About a Ban on e-Waste Exports&#8221; &#8211; 13 August 2010]
* [http://ban.org/library/100525_epa_speech.html EPA Chief Calls for Limiting Exports of e-Waste to Developing Countries &#8211; 25 May 2010]
| style="padding:15px;background-color: white; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color:black"|
* [http://ban.org/library/100301_from_edumping_to_estewardship.pdf IN MY OPINION: From e-dumping to e-stewardship &#8211; March 2010]
* [http://ban.org/library/RizwanaSpeechIMO.html Final Speech of the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking before the International Conference on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships &#8211; 15 May 2009]
*[[Key_Documents|Key Documents]]
* [http://ban.org/library/090513_the_beaching_method_speech.html Speech given by the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking on The Beaching Method &#8211; 13 May 2009]
::(Collection of BAN's key documents)
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/090319_shipbreaking_shutdown.html Ship-breaking shutdown &#8211; 19 March 2009]
*[[Investigative_Reports|Investigative Reports]]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/090103_handling_ewaste.html Handling e-waste &#8211; 3 January 2009]
::(Collection of BAN's investigative work & supporting documents)
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/080923_electronics_dumping_ground.html Electronics dumping ground &#8211; 23 September 2008]
*[[Library|Research Library]]
* [http://ban.org/library/080626_ban_speech_cop9_global_forum.html Speech of Mr. Jim Puckett (Basel Action Network) &#8211; World Forum on Waste Management for Human Health and Livelihood &#8211; Basel Convention 9th Conference of the Parties, Nusa Dua, Bali. 26 June 2008]
::(Collection of documents including: Briefing Papers, Editorials, Scientific Articles)
* [http://ban.org/library/080624_BAN_intervention_on_e-waste.html Basel Action Network Intervention on e-Waste &#8211; 24 June 2008]
*[[Action and Delegate Alerts|Action Alerts and Delegate Alerts]]
* [http://ban.org/library/080624_BAN_intervention_regarding_entry_into_force.html Basel Action Network Intervention Regarding Entry into Force of the BAN Amendment &#8211; 24 June 2008]
::(Collection of Action Alerts, and Delegate Alerts)
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/070924_cleaning_up_china.html Cleaning Up China &#8211; 24 September 2007]
*[[Toxic Trade News|"Toxic Trade News"]]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/070710_more_selfishness.html More Selfishness &#8211; 10 July 2007]
::(Archive of various toxics-related press)
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/070622_safely_eliminating_ewaste.html Safely Eliminating E-waste &#8211; 22 June 2007]
*[https://www.flickr.com/photos/basel-action-network/ BAN Photo Gallery]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/070401_whats_the_rush.html What&#8217;s the rush to ink the Japan FTA? &#8211; 1 April 2007]
::(External link to BAN Flickr.com page)
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/070327_data_dump.html Data Dump &#8211; 27 March 2007]
*[[BAN Media Gallery]]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/070304_iwaste.html iWaste &#8211; March/April 2007 Issue of Mother Jones]
::(Featured media / articles / podcasts relating to BAN)
* [http://ban.org/library/speeches/061013_ngo_imo_mepc55.html Closing Statement / IMO MEPC 55 &#8211; NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 13 October 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060908_ugly_side.html State Pulse: Gujarat: Ugly side of ship-breaking trade &#8211; 8 September 2006]
|colspan=2 style="padding:15px; background-color: #f5e1b2; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; border-color:black"|
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060825_ocean_of_misery.html An ocean of misery at the end &#8211; 25 August 2006]
<h2>Pages Coming Soon</h2><div style="column-count:2;-moz-column-count:2;-webkit-column-count:2">
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060616_india_dances.html India dances on the toxic dirt &#8211; 16 June 2006]
*Types of electronic devices
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060616_legal_obligations.html Legal obligations can prohibit entry of Blue Lady &#8211; 16 June 2006]
*Toxic substances present in electronic devices
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060616_ship_recycling.html Ship recycling is lifeline of shipping industry &#8211; 16 June 2006]
*Electronic recycling regulations
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060606_environment_day.html Blue Lady seduces SC on Environment Day &#8211; 6 June 2006]
*e-Stewards Certification Program
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060505_where_ewaste.html Where does all the e-waste go? &#8211; 4 May 2006]
*Toxic substances present in ships
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060502_technology_broken.html Technology made to be broken &#8211; 2 May 2006]
*Locations of ship breaking
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060417_computer_age.html Computer-age leftovers &#8211; 14 April 2006]
*Ship recycling regulations
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060406_ugly_eworld.html The ugly side of the E-world &#8211; 6 April 2006]
*Green Ship Recycling Program
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060318_ewaste_evil.html E-waste is e-vil &#8211; 18 March 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060306_real_cost.html Grasping the real cost of obsolescence &#8211; 6 March 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060222_increasing_profits.html Doing what&#8217;s right and increasing profits too &#8211; 22 February 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060216_clemenceau_returns.html Clemenceau returns, but health and safety blight remains &#8211; 16 February 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060211_clemenceau.html Will the SC allow Clemenceau in? &#8211; 11 February 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060127_ewaste.html E-Waste@Large &#8211; 27 January 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060119_toxic_terror.html The Reign of Toxic Terror &#8211; 19 January 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/060107_global_toxic.html The global toxic dump &#8211; 7 January 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/051214_trading_poison.html Trading in Poison &#8211; 14 December 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/051121_e-waste_problem.html The e-waste problem &#8211; 21 November 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/051109_houston.html From Houston with Love &#8211; 9 November 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/051106_checkered.html World not always black and white; it&#8217;s sometimes checkered &#8211; 6 November 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/Editorials/051102_ewaste.html E-waste &#8211; 2 November 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/050520_ministry_ostrich.html Environment ministry plays ostrich. Meanwhile, hazardous wastes are being dumped on Indian shores &#8211; 20 May 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/050307_not_ringing.html Not a ringing endorsement &#8211; 7 March 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/040701_travelin_trash.htm Travelin&#8217; Trash &#8211; 1 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/what_if_040412.html What if the U.S. banned e-scrap exports? &#8211; 12 April 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/WMW%2004-1%20Puckett%20comment.pdf Comment: Basel Action Network&#8217;s Jim Puckett looks at Environmental Justice, Free Trade, and Toxics &#8211; Waste Management World &#8211; January-February 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/Verbatim%20report%20of%20proceedings.pdf European Union Environment Commisioner Wallstrom on &#8216;Ghost Fleet&#8217; before the European Parliament &#8211; 20 October 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/ghost_fleet_export_lose_lose.html &#8216;Ghost Fleet&#8217;: Export of Jobs, Toxic Waste is Lose-Lose Proposition &#8211; 18 October 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/op_this_is_not_good.html This is Not Good &#8211; 6 October 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/mike_cooper_opinion.html There&#8217;s an Easy Answer for E-Waste &#8211; 25 September 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/marad_opinion.html Out of Sight &#8211; 12 September 2003]
* [http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2000/08/langewiesche.htm" Shipbreakers, Revisited &#8211; 13 April 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/Jim%20Puckett%27s%20Guest%20Column.pdf The Real-Life Recycling Horror Show &#8211; March 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/growing_threat.html Growing Threat of Computers In, Poison Out &#8211; 23 August 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/ship_of.html Ship of Foolishness &#8211; Sun-Sentinel &#8211; 28 February 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/lessons_from_mercury.html Lessons from Mercury &#8211; Natural Resources Council of Maine, Bangor Daily News &#8211; 30 January 2001]
* [http://www.ilo.org/public/english/dialogue/sector/papers/shpbreak/index.htm" Is There a Decent Way to Break Ships? &#8211; by Paul J. Bailey, 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/remove.html Remove Mercury Stocks &#8211; by Arthur J. Rocque Jr., Bangor Daily News,18 November 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/congress.html Congress Must Rescue Atolls from Toxic Waste &#8211; The Honolulu Advertiser, 23 May 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/garbage.html Garbage In, Garbage Out (re: PCBs on Wake Island) &#8211; The Morrock News Service, 19 May 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/wake.html Wake Island Unsuitable for Storage of PCBs &#8211; Honolulu Advertiser, 12 May 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/launching.html Launching Real Solutions to Our Toxic Legacy &#8211; by Jim Puckett, Basel Action Network, Seattle Times, 11 April 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/pcbs_facts.html PCBs: Facts vs. Hype &#8211; Seattle Times, 10 April 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/dumping_on.html Dumping on Nevada &#8211; by Brian Greenspun, Editor of Las Vegas Sun, 14 March 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/BHAVNAGAR.PDF" Environmental Impacts of Shipbreaking &#8211; Greenpeace/BAN speech at workshop on ship recycling at Bhavnagar, India , 19 February 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/shipbreaking_way_forward.html Shipbreaking: The Way Forward &#8211; by Nityanand Jayaraman, Greenpeace International for Lloyd&#8217;s List, 16 February 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/those_who.html Japan: Those Who Make a Mess Should Have to Clean it Up &#8211; Asahi News, 13 January 2000]
* [http://www.apcjp.org/billofrights.htm" Host Country Bill of Rights for Persons, Indigenous Peoples, Communities and Nations Hosting Foreign and Colonial Military Bases &#8211; International Grassroots Summit on Military Base Cleanup, 25-29 October 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/pesticide_bomb.html Pesticide Bomb Against the Poor &#8211; by Jørn Jespersen, Information, 12 October 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/thilo.html Scrapping of Ocean-Going Ships: A Global Environmental and Human Rights Problem &#8211; Speech by Thilo Bode, Greenpeace International, June 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/cambodia_must.html Cambodia Must Ratify Basel Convention to Avoid &#8220;Logic&#8221; of Waste Trafficking &#8211; 28 May 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/shipbreaking_oh_dear.html Shipbreaking: Oh Dear &#8211; Lloyd&#8217;s List, 22 February 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/lloyds.html Letter to Editor: Scrap Policy Not Only Immoral But Illegal &#8211; 10 February 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/beware_us_fox.html Beware U.S. Fox in Basel Chicken Coop &#8211; The Environmental Forum, January/February 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/burning_denmark.html Burning Denmark&#8217;s Good Name in Mozambique &#8211; Development Today, October 1998]
<h3>Feature Articles</h3>
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/100501_targeting_toxic_waste.pdf Targeting Toxic Waste &#8211; by Chris Gillis, American Shipper, May 2010]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/090810_rethinking_hazardous_waste_under_nafta.html Rethinking Hazardous Waste under NAFTA &#8211; 10 August 2009]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/081109_following_the_trail.html Following The Trail Of Toxic E-Waste &#8211; 9 November 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/080925_the_underbelly_of_globalization.html The Underbelly of Globalization: Our Toxic Wastes Exported to Developing Countries &#8211; 25 September 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/080501_trashed.html Trashed &#8211; 1 May 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/080101_export_of_electronics_waste.pdf Export of Electronics Equipment Waste &#8211; Jan/Mar 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/080113_the_afterlife_of_cellphones.html The Afterlife of Cellphones &#8211; 13 January 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/070700_ewaste_crisis.html Time to realize the global E-Waste Crisis &#8211; July 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/070500_rough_times_in_guiyu.html Rough Times in Guiyu &#8211; May 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/060705_dying_industry.html A dying industry in India&#8217;s graveyard of ships &#8211; 5 July 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/060702_rising_ewaste.html Onus on firms to handle rising e-waste &#8211; 2 July 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/060628_high_tech_trash.html High Tech Trash: An Interview with Elizabeth Grossman &#8211; 28 June 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/060511_barely_regulated.html Barely Regulated, E-waste Piles Up in U.S., Abroad &#8211; 11 May 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/060410_how_to_recycle.html How to recycle your computer &#8211; 10 April 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/060410_where_computers_go.html Where computers go to die &#8212; and kill &#8211; 10 April 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/060126_dump_on_us.html Dump on us: We&#8217;re Indians &#8211; 26 January 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Features/051124_green_computing.html Green computing: how to watch your waste &#8211; 24 November 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/whyban.pdf Recycling: No Excuse for Global Environmental Injustice &#8211; BAN, 29 August 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/shifting_environmental.html Shifting Environmental Risks &#8211; July 2002]
[http://ban.org/library/ghosts_in.html Ghosts in the Machines &#8211; 12 May 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/seeping_through.pdf Seeping Through the Regulatory Cracks &#8211; Winter-Spring 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/unilevers.html Unilever&#8217;s Dumping Fever &#8211; by Nityanand Jayaraman for Multinational Monitor, April 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/nafta_investor.html NAFTA&#8217;s Investor &#8220;Rights &#8212; A Corporate Dream, A Citizen Nightmare &#8211; by Mary Bottari, Multinational Monitor, April 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/piles_of.html Piles of Poisons in Mexico &#8211; 22 March 2002]
[http://ban.org/ban_news/mercury_conundrum.html" The Mercury Conundrum &#8211; Chemical and Engineering News, 5 February 2001]
[http://ban.org/library/ashes.html Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Philadelphia Weekly &#8211; 18 January 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/ierarticle.html The Basel Convention Ban on Hazardous Waste Exports: An Unfinished Success Story &#8211; International Environmental Reporter, 6 December 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/asiachildren.html Environmental Threats to the Health of Children: The Asian Perspective &#8211; Published in Environmental Health Perspectives; Vol 108, Number 10, October 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/dte_analy1.html" Death Inside the Factory Gates &#8211; Down to Earth, 30 September 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/medical_waste.html Medical Waste Treatment Strategies and Technologies: A Basic Overview for Developing Countries &#8211; by Glenn McRae]
* [http://ban.org/library/sheppard.html Stemming the Tide: Statutory Attempts to Stop the Flood of Hazardous Waste shipped to Mexico &#8211; by Earl Shepherd, New England International and Comparative Law Annual, 1999]
[http://ban.org/library/return.html Return to Sihanoukville &#8211; Taipei Times, 4 December 1999]
[http://ban.org/library/im_innocent.html I&#8217;m Innocent, Says Taiwanese Waste Importer &#8211; Taipei Times, 4 December 1999]
[http://ban.org/library/taiwan_the.html Taiwan: The &#8216;Island of Poison&#8217; &#8211; Taipei Times, 4 December 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/what_the.html What the New U.S. Treasury Chief has in Store for Asia &#8211; 26 July 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/more.html The Mercury-Laced Waste that Formosa Plastics Sent to Cambodia &#8212; There&#8217;s More Where That Came From! &#8211; 14 July 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/asias_toxic.html Asia&#8217;s Toxic Formula for Waste &#8211; Los Angeles Times, 4 March 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/lipman.html Trade in Hazardous Waste: Environmental Justice Versus Economic Growth &#8211; by Zada Lipman]
* [http://ban.org/library/waste-26.html Waste Trade and the Basel Convention: Background and Update &#8211; by Mary Tieman, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, 30 December 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/rotten.html Something Rotten From Denmark: The Incinerator &#8220;Solution&#8221; to Aid Gone Bad in Mozambique &#8211; Multinational Monitor, December 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/wto.html WTO and the Environment &#8211; Chemical and Engineering News, November 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/danish_support.html Danish Support to Toxic Waste Treatment in Southern Africa, Greenpeace and Local Groups Fear Increased Illegal Waste Trade &#8211; Development Today, October 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/fund_danish.html Danish Ministry Funds Campaign Against Danish Aid Project &#8211; Development Today, October 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/eli_art.html Basel Ratification: OECD Ban Update Could Free Senate &#8211; Environmental Law Institute Report<em>,</em>September/October 1998]
[http://ban.org/library/down_to_earth.html Titanic Junkyard: Shipbreaking is Creating Myriad Ecological Problems in Gujarat &#8211; Down to Earth, March 1998]
v[http://ban.org/library/philly.html Philly Waste Go Home &#8211; Multinational Monitor, February 1998]
[http://www.sunspot.net/news/special/shipbreakers/" Baltimore Sun Shipbreaking Series &#8211; Baltimore Sun, November 1997 xx]
* [http://ban.org/library/exposing.html Exposing the Recycling Hoax: Bharat Zinc and the Politics of the International Waste Trade &#8211; Multinational Monitor, February 1996]
<h3>Other Languages</h3>
* [http://www.ban.org/2011/08/29/e-trash-stemming-the-tide-of-global-trade-of-high-tech-toxic-waste/ E-Trash: Stemming The Tide Of Global Trade Of High-Tech Toxic Waste]
<h3>Submissions to the Basel Convention and other Relevant Bodies</h3>
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/CRTRuleRevisionBANCommentsFin.pdf Revision to the Export Provisions of the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Rule &#8211; May 2012]
* [http://ban.org/library/CLIReview_BAN_Part1.pdf BAN Comments on Three Swiss-Indonesian Country Led Initiative (CLI) Documents &#8211; 7 May 2010]
* [http://ban.org/library/CLIReview_BAN_Part2.pdf BAN Annotated Comments on Three Swiss-Indonesian CLI Documents (Part 2) &#8211; 7 May 2010]
* [http://ban.org/library/MercuryComments.pdf Comments on the 5th Draft Technical Guidelines on the Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury Wastes (Jan 2010, UNEP/CHW/OEWG/7/INF/10) &#8212; Zero Mercury Working Group &#8211; 30 April 2010]
* [http://ban.org/library/R2_and_EPEAT.pdf EPEAT Label Should Not Use Recycling Standards That Violate International Waste Trade Laws]
- 19 January 2010]
* [http://ban.org/library/ForrestalSubmission.pdf FORRESTAL Class Aircraft Carrier Scrapping and Dismantling Request for Information &#8211; 27 July 2009]
* [http://ban.org/library/EquivalentLevelofControl.pdf Determining &#8220;Equivalent Level of Control&#8221; as Established under the Basel Convention, NGO Shipbreaking Platform &#8211; January 2009]
* [http://ban.org/library/Whats_Wrong_With_R2.pdf What&#8217;s Wrong With the EPA&#8217;s New R2 Electronics Recycling Standard? &#8211; November 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/How_to_Scam_R2.pdf How to Scam the R2 Standards and Keep On Exporting E-Waste! &#8211; November 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Detailed_R2_Analysis.pdf Detailed Critique of Problems with R2 Standard &#8211; November 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/NGO_Comments_on_the_Kobe_3R_Action_Plan_June_2008.pdf Summary of NGO Comments on the Kobe 3R Action Plan of the G8 &#8211; 26 June 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Green_Ship_Recycling_Standard_Draft_2.pdf The NGO Platform&#8217;s Green Ship Recycling Standard – Draft 2 &#8211; 23 June 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/BanRatPartiesCOP9_CountryAnalysis.pdf Basel Convention Ban Amendment – Entry into Force Country Analysis &#8211; June 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/080512_otapan_principles.html The Otapan Principles &#8211; 12 May 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Japan_Joint_comments_Senate_en_final.pdf The Japanese Citizens Strongly Support the Philippine Citizens&#8217; Opposition to the Ratification of the Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement as Currently Proposed &#8211; 23 October 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/greenpapercommentsBAN.pdf BAN Comments on the European Commission&#8217;s <em>Green Paper on Better Ship Dismantling</em>[SEC(2007) 645] &#8211; Basel Action Network, 30 September 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/NGO_Platform_Comments.pdf NGO Platform on Shipbreaking Comments on the European Commission&#8217;s <em>Green Paper on Better Ship Dismantling</em> &#8211; NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 30 September 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/Apple_Non-Compliance.pdf Apple Computer Position on E-waste Exports May Be Out of Compliance with International Law([http://ban.org/library/Apple_Non-Compliance.html HTML Version) - Basel Action Network, 16 April 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/JapanPaperAnnotated.pdf Annotations and Commentary on Japanese Paper Regarding the Draft IMO International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships in the Context of Decision VII/26 &#8211; Provided to the Eighth Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention Nairobi, 25 November &#8211; December 1]
* [http://ban.org/library/MEPC-53-3-7.pdf Urgent Considerations for Correcting Deficiencies in the Draft Convention on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships &#8211; NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 8 October 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/NGO_Platform_Critique_on_TC_Inspection_Report_Final.pdf Comments on the Indian Committee Inspection Report on the Hazardous Materials onboard the SS Blue Lady &#8211; 31 July 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/060716_letter.html Copy of SDIS Letter to Indian MOEF, Raising New Concerns over Asbestos in SS Norway (SS Blue Lady, ex-France) &#8211; 16 July 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/IndiaLegalObligations26May2006.pdf The SS BLUE LADY (ex Norway, France): India&#8217;s International and National Obligations to Prohibit the Illegal Traffic in Toxic Waste Vessels &#8211; Basel Action Network, 26 May 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/MalaysiaDutytoReimport17May2006.pdf Taking Back the SS BLUE LADY: Malaysia&#8217;s Legal Obligation under the Basel Convention &#8211; Basel Action Network, 17 May 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/ban_entry_into_force_06.pdf A Call for an Interpretation of Article 17 by the Parties for Rapid Entry into Force of the Basel Ban Amendment &#8211; Basel Action Network, April 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/IMO_Draft_Convention_CritiqueFINAL.pdf Critique of Draft I.M.O. &#8220;International Convention for Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships&#8221; &#8211; by the Basel Action Network on behalf of the Global NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 15 March 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/comments_epa_approval_exoriskany_draft_19_jan_06.pdf Comments on the EPA&#8217;s Intent to Issue the US Navy Approval for the Disposal of PCBs &#8211; Basel Action Network, 19 January 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/mepc_submission_long.pdf Obligations and Opportunities for a Mandatory Alternate or Additional Instrument to the Basel Convention for End-of-Life Ships Submitted by Greenpeace and the Basel Action Network (BAN) &#8211; Submitted by Greenpeace and the Basel Action Network (BAN), 25 May 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/BAN_analysis_Ricky.pdf Legal Analysis of Letter from Mr. Raja to Ms. Hedegaard regarding the legal application of the Basel Convention to the Kong Frederik IX (aka Riky) &#8211; Basel Action Network, 3 May 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/WirelessWaste.pdf Wireless Waste: Basel Convention&#8217;s Next Hazardous Waste Challenge &#8211; Basel Action Network, October 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/ban_comments_on_reefing_guidance.pdf BAN Comments on the Draft National Guidance for Best Management Practices for Preparing Vessels Intended to Create Artificial Reefs &#8211; Basel Action Network, 1 October 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/Critique_Plug-in_Guidance.pdf BAN Critique of EPA Plug-in to Ecycling Recycling Guidelines for Materials Management &#8211; Basel Action Network, 24 May 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/ANNEX_VII_CommentsOEWG3.pdf Comments on the Analysis of Issues Related to Annex VII (Phase II) &#8211; Basel Action Network, 6 February 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/BAN_Submission_shipbreaking_jan04.pdf BAN Comments and Proposals for Resolving Basel Convention Shipbreaking Issues &#8211; 6 January 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/greenpeace-ban-iii-3e.pdf The IMO Guidlines on Ship Recycling Annotated &#8212; A Critique &#8211; Basel Action Network/Greenpeace, 21 November 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/PlugIn_Comments.doc" Comments on EPA Proposed Recycling Criteria for Plug-In to Recycling program &#8211; BAN and others, 13 November 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/critiqueBAN%20on%20SB20.pdf BAN Critique of California Electronic Waste Bill &#8211; 17 September 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/CTBC%20Analysis%20and%20Position%20on%20SB20%209-19-031.pdf Computer Take Back Campaign Critique of California Electronic Waste Bill &#8211; 19 September 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/BAN_comments_CRTrule.PDF" BAN Comments on EPA Proposed Rule on Cathode Ray Tubes and Mercury-Containing Equipment- 12 August 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/ShipbreakingLegal%20Final.pdf Shipbreaking and the Legal Obligations Under the Basel Convention &#8211; 10 January 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/BANComments%20ShipbreakingGuidelines2.PDF" BAN Comments on Basel Technical Guidelines on Shipbreaking &#8211; 10 January 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/baneeb.pdf Comments on the Review and Revision of the European Union Waste Shipment Regulation &#8211; Basel Action Network (BAN) and European Environmental Bureau (EEB), November 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/twg18ERM.PDF" BAN Comments on Report by the ERM on Part II of the Study on Implementation of Decision IV/8 &#8211; June 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/twg18kummer.PDF" BAN Comments on Document B on Part II of the Study on Implementation of Decision IV/8 &#8211; June 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/asbestosamicus.pdf Amicus Brief filed by NGOs on French Asbestos Case before WTO Appelate Body &#8211; 6 February 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/inc4_badguys.pdf The Obstructive Role of the US, Canada, and Australia in Negotiating International Environmental Policy and Law Making &#8211; 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/rabat3.PDF" Towards a Policy on Chemical Waste Stockpile Destruction and Transport in Africa: Ensuring Environmentally Sound Management of Existing Chemical Wastes and Stockpiles through the Stockholm, Basel and Bamako Conventions &#8211; Basel Action Network , 8-12 January 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/Rabat-FR-final.PDF" Vers une politique en matière de destruction et de transport des stocks de déchets chimiques en Afrique: Assurer une gestion écologiquement rationnelle des déchets et stocks chimiques existants, par le biais des Conventions de Stockholm, de Bâle et de Bamako &#8211; Basel Action Network , 8-12 January 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/baneeb.pdf Comments on the Review and Revision of the European Union Waste Shipment Regulation &#8211; November 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/GEF_POPS_ALTDESTRUCT_PROJECT.pdf Project Concept Paper, Alternative POPs Destruction Pilot Project &#8211; Global Environmental Facility, 22 &#8211; November 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/popsbasel.PDF" Comments on the Draft Document on the Relationship Between the Basel Convention and the Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) &#8211; BAN, October 2000 [[http://ban.org/library/popsbasel.html HTML File]
* [http://ban.org/library/bancomart112.PDF" Comments on the Draft Guidance Elements for Bilateral, Multilateral and Regional Agreements or Arrangements &#8211; BAN, October 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/H13.PDF" Hazardous Characteristic H13 &#8211; Its Meaning and Importance to the Basel Convention &#8211; BAN, 23 June 2000]
* [http://ban.org/subsidiary/comments.html Comments on the Basel Convention Draft Technical Guideline on the Environmentally Sound Management of Biomedical and Healthcare Waste (Y1; Y2; Y3) &#8211; BAN, 10 May 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/firststep.html The Basel Ban: The First Step Toward Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes &#8211; February 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/esmban.html Environmentally Sound Management and the Basel Ban Amendment &#8211; BAN, December 1999]
* [http://ban.org/subsidiary/liability10.html Saving the Basel Liability Protocol &#8211; 30 August 1999]
* [http://ban.org/subsidiary/liability.html Comments on the Draft Liability Protocol &#8211; West Coast Environmental Law and BAN, 19 April 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/11RECO~1.PDF" 11 Recommendations for Improving Medical Waste Waste Management &#8211; BAN, Health Care Without Harm, April 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/11recspan.pdf 11 Recomendaciones 11 Recomendaciones Para Mejorar el Manejo de los Residuos Patológicos &#8211; BAN, Health Care Without Harm, April 1999 (Spanish Version)]
* [http://ban.org/library/11RECSfr~1.PDF" 11 Recommandations Pour Améliorer La Gestion Des Déchets Bio-médicaux &#8211; BAN, Health Care Without Harm, April 1999 (French Version)]
* [http://ban.org/subsidiary/clinical.html Clinical Waste in Developing Countries &#8211; BAN and Srishti, April 1999]
* [http://ban.org/subsidiary/shipbreaking_and.html Shipbreaking and the Basel Convention &#8212; An Analysis &#8211; BAN and Greenpeace, 12 April 1999]
* [http://ban.org/subsidiary/comments.html Comments on Decision IV/8: Regarding Annex VII &#8211; BAN, 12 April 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/dismant.PDF" Study on the Legal Aspects of the Dismantling of Ships &#8211; Prepared for Ministry of Environment of Norway by Professor Geir Ulfstein, 9 March 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/Jobs_and_Dollars_Overboard.pdf Jobs and Dollars Overboard: The Economic Case against Dumping U.S. Naval Vessels at Sea &#8211; Basel Action Network (BAN), 13 December 2010]
* [http://ban.org/library/African_Policy_on_UEEE_Importation.pdf Model African State Policy on Importation of Used Electronic and Electrical Equipment (UEEE) &#8211; Prepared by the Basel Action Network (BAN), 23 November 2009]
* [http://www.ban.org/library/gao_report.pdf GAO United States Government Accountability Office Report to the Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, ELECTRONIC WASTE: EPA Needs to Better Control Harmful U.S. Exports through Stronger Enforcement and More Comprehensive Regulation &#8211; August 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/JPEPA_Report_BAN_FINAL_29_Aug_071.pdf JPEPA as a Step in Japan&#8217;s Greater Plan to Liberalize Hazardous Waste Trade in Asia &#8211; Basel Action Network, 29 August 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/Star_Cruises_Deception_Report_Final.pdf Star Cruises Ltd and Norwegian Cruise Lines: Deceiving Germany and Violating International Law in the Export of the SS Norway to India &#8211; Prepared by NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 30 June 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/reports_Reefing_Madness_Final_May_06.pdf Reefing Madness: The Navy&#8217;s Toxic Ship Dumping Program &#8211; Greenpeace and BAN, May 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/ShipbrClemBasist_ReportAndersen_EnglFinal02Feb2006.pdf The Clemenceau Case &#8211; Potential Hazardous Materials Assessment &#8211; Greenpeace, February 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/gao_report_2005.pdf GAO United States Government Accountability Office Report to Congressional Requesters, ELECTRONIC WASTE: Strengthening the Role of the Federal Government in Encouraging Recycling and Reuse &#8211; November 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/TheDigitalDump.pdf The Digital Dump: Exporting Re-Use and Abuse to Africa ([http://ban.org/library/TheDigitalDump_Print.pdf Print Version) - BAN, 24 October 2005]
* [http://ban.org/library/crt_survey_2004.pdf CRT Glass Recycling Survey Results &#8211; Basel Action Network, 4 August 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/mobilephonetoxicityrep.pdf Mobile Toxic Waste: Recent Findings on the Toxicity of End-of-Life Cell Phones &#8211; Basel Action Network, April 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/Taizhou_E-waste_Research_Report.pdf Key Findings from Taizhou Field Investigation &#8211; Basel Action Network, Greenpeace China, March 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/Needless%20Risk%20Final.pdf Needless Risk: The Bush Administration&#8217;s Scheme to Export Toxic Waste Ships to Europe - [http://ban.org/library/Needless%20Risk%20FinalA4.pdf A4 Size- BAN, 20 October 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/OECDGuidelineWEEE.pdf OECD Guidelines: Technical Guidance for the Environmentally Sound Management of Specific Waste Streams: Used and Scrap Personal Computers &#8211; OECD, 18 February 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/dodging_dilemmas.pdf Dodging Dilemmas? Environmental and Social Accountability in the Global Operations of California-Based High-Tech Companies &#8211; May 2002]
* [http://ban.org/E-waste/technotrashfinalcomp.pdf Exporting Harm: The High-Tech Trashing of Asia &#8211; BAN, 25 February 2002]
* [http://ban.org/library/haznafta.pdf The Generation and Management of Hazardous Wastes and Transboundary Hazardous Waste Shipments between Mexico, Canada, and the United StatesTexas Center for Policy Studies: 1990-2000, May 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/ALANG%202000%20final.pdf Ships For Scrap III: Steel and Toxic Wastes for Asia &#8211; A Greenpeace Report &#8211; 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/hrcrep.pdf Adverse Effects of the Illicit Movement and Dumping of Toxic and Dangerous Products and Wastes on the Enjoyment of Human Rights &#8211; Special Rapporteur on Toxic Waste for the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 19 January 2001; [http://ban.org/library/hrcrepadd.pdf Addendum to Same]
* [http://ban.org/library/wto%20asbestos%20AB%20report%20-%20135abr_e.pdf WTO Appellate Report: European Community &#8212; Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos Containing Products &#8211; 12 March 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/AFROPOPs.PDF" POPs in Africa: Hazardous Waste Trade 1980 &#8211; 2000, and Obsolete Pesticides Stockpiles &#8211; A Greenpeace Inventory, December 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/tdACWAtechreport.pdf Potential Applicability of Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment Technologies to RCRA Waste Streams and Contaminated Media &#8211; US EPA, August 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/GPIndia1998-9.PDF" Greenpeace Data and Fact Sheet on Indian Hazardous Waste Imports &#8211; 12 September 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/scrap.pdf A Guide for Shipscrappers: Tips for Regulatory Compliance &#8211; USEPA, Summer 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/haz2000.pdf Hazardous Waste Management in the United States / Mexico Border States: More Questions than Answers &#8211; March 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/residuos.pdf El Manejo de Residuos Peligrosos en Los Estados Fronterizos de Mexico&#8211;Estados Unidos: Mas Preguntas que Respuestas &#8211; Febrero 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/WTORep.PDF" But What Are We Trading Away? &#8212; The World Trade Organization&#8217;s Promotion of Economic Inefficiency and Environmental Destruction &#8211; APEX, BAN, November 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/when_trade.pdf When Trade is Toxic: The WTO Threat to Public and Planetary Health &#8211; APEX, BAN, November 1999]
* [http://www.enviroweb.org/gnp/formosa.htm" Formosa Plastics: A Briefing Paper on Waste, Safety And Financial Issues Including U.S. Campaign Finance Abuses &#8211; Coalition Report, September 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/cleanpro.pdf Citizens Guide to Clean Production &#8211; by Beverley Thorpe, August 1999]
* [http://www.hrw.org/reports/1999/cambotox/" Human Rights, Justice and Toxic Waste in Cambodia &#8211; Human Rights Watch, May 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/shipbreaking_china.html Shipbreaking in China &#8211; Greenpeace, April 1999]
* [http://ban.org/library/ships.pdf Ships For Scrap: Steel and Toxic Wastes for Asia &#8212; A Greenpeace Report &#8211; December 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/vessels.html Legal and Political Restraints on the Export of Waste Vessels Containing Hazardous Substances: A Critique of the Report of the US Interagency Panel on Ship Scrapping &#8211; June 1998]
* [http://ban.org/library/lead_astray.html &#8220;Lead Astray Again: The Ongoing Illegal Trade of U.S. Scrap Lead Acid Batteries to Brazil&#8221; &#8211; August 1997]
<h3>Non-Compliance Notifications</h3>
* [http://ban.org/library/Japan_JPEPA_BNN2007_1.Final.pdf JAPAN, Basel Non-Compliance Notification Report &#8211; 12 March 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/BNN2006_1.pdf FRANCE, Export of Clemenceau (France Disposes of PCB and Asbestos Laden Vessel to India) &#8211; 31 January 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/BNNR1.pdf INDIA &amp; USA- 29 April 2005]
* [Case 1: India Snubs Denmark and Violates the Basel Convention]
* [Case 2: US Advocates Ignoring Basel Convention for Waste Mobile Phones]
<h3>Legal Filings &#8211; Basel Action Network et al. v. US Maritime Administration and Environmental Protection Agency</h3>
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BAN-Answer-and-Counterclaim.pdf BAN&#8217;s Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Countersuit to Intercon Solutions &#8211; Filed August 31, 2012.]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/2027-complaint-formatted-12-7-11.pdf BAN and Sierra Club v. EPA (Complaint to Halt Ocean Dumping of PCBs in Navy SINKEX program) - Filed 12/07/2011]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/executive_recycling_indictment.pdf Executive Recycle Indictment &#8211; Case no: 11-cr-00376-WJM / Filed 09/15/2011]
* [http://ban.org/library/EarthECycleComplaint.pdf U.S. EPA &#8211; In the Matter of: EarthEcycle, LLC., &#8211; Complaint, Compliance Order and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing &#8211; EPA Docket No. RCRA-HQ-2009-0001 / Filed 2009 Jun-5]
* [http://ban.org/library/Global_CAFO.pdf U.S. EPA &#8211; In the Matter of: Global Shipping, LLC, and Global Marketing Systems, Inc. &#8211; Consent Agreement and Final Order &#8211; EPA Docket No. TSCA-09-2008-0003 / Filed 28/01/2009]
* [http://ban.org/library/1211492-v1-Sanctuary_-_Preliminary_Injunction_Order.pdf USA vs. Potomac Navigation, Inc. &#8211; Preliminary Injunction Order &#8211; United States District Court for the District of Maryland / Case 1:08-cv-00717-WMN / Document 10 / Filed 07/03/2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/1211493-v1-Sanctuary_-_Memorandum_Decision_re_Motion_to_Dismiss_and_for_PI.pdf USA vs. Potomac Navigation, Inc. &#8211; Decision on Defendant&#8217;s Motion to Dismiss &#8211; United States District Court for the District of Maryland / Case 1:08-cv-00717-WMN / Document 9 / Filed 07/03/2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/04-09-16%20DEFENDANTS%20REPLY%20MEMO.pdf Reply Memorandum in Support of Defendants&#8217; Motion for Summary Judgement &#8211; MARAD e t al., 16 September 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/04-08-30%20PLAINTIFFS%20REPLY%20AND%20OPPOSITION.pdf Reply Memorandum in Support of Plaintiffs&#8217; Motion for Summary Judgement and in Opposition to Devendants&#8217; Cross-Motion for Summary Judgement &#8211; BAN et al., 30 August 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/04-08-02%20SJ%20MEMO%20-%20Exhibit%202.pdf Declaration to Court by MARAD regarding filing of Petition for Exemption from TSCA &#8211; MARAD, 30 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/04-08-02%20SJ%20MEMO%20-%20Exhibit%202A%20(Petition).pdf MARAD Petition for Exemption from TSCA for Export of PCB Material &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/04-08-02%20SJ%20MEMO%20-%20Exhibit%202B.pdf MARAD Petition Exhibits 2B (Towing Certificates) &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/04-08-02%20SJ%20MEMO%20-%20Exhibit%202C.pdf MARAD Petition Exhibits 2C Continued &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/04-08-02%20SJ%20MEMO%20-%20Exhibit%202D.pdf MARAD Petition Exhibits 2D Continued &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/MARAD%20-%20mem%20SJ.pdf MARAD Memorandum of Opposition to Plaintiff&#8217;s Call for Summary Judgement and Support for Cross Motion of Summary Judgement &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/cross%20motion%20for%20%20sj%20-2.pdf MARAD Cross Motion for Summary Judgement MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/MARAD%20Ex.1.pdf MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 1 &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/MARAD%20Ex.3%20(Bagley).pdf MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 3 &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/MARAD%20Ex.%204%20(monitoring).pdf MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 4 &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/MARAD%20Ex%205%20(Junemann).pdf MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 5 &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/MARAD%20Ex.%206%20(scrap%20metal).pdf MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 6 &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/MARAD%20-%20Ex%207.pdf MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 7 &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/MARAD%20Ex.%208.pdf MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 8 &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/Def.%20Response%20to%20Disputed%20Facts.pdf MARAD Statement on Material Facts not in Dispute &#8211; MARAD, 29 July 2004]
* [http://ban.org/library/04_06_01_MOTION_AND_MEMO_FOR_SJ.pdf BAN et al: Motion for Summary Judgement &#8211; BAN et al, 1 June 2004]
<h3>BAN Briefing Papers and Fact Sheets</h3>
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BP1_Sept2012Final_A4.pdf Briefing Paper #1: The Basel Ban: A Triumph for Global Environmental Justice &#8211; Sept. 2012]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/BP2_Oct_2011_Final_A4.pdf Briefing Paper #2: The US Must Ratify the Entire Basel Convention (or not at all) &#8211; Oct 2011]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BP3_Sep2012Final_A4.pdf Briefing Paper #3: Annex VII Expansion? – Say &#8216;No&#8217; to Attempts to Undo the Basel Ban &#8211; Sept. 2012]
* [http://ban.org/library/BP4_10_05.pdf Briefing Paper #4: The Basel Ban Amendment: Entry Into Force = Now! &#8211; May 2010]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/BP5_Oct_2011_Final_A4.pdf Briefing Paper #5: UN Failure: IMO Ship Scrap Treaty Legalizes Toxic Ship Dumping &#8211; Oct 2011]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BP6_Sept2012Final_A4.pdf Briefing Paper #6: Package Deal: Four Treaties to Fight Pollution &#8211; Sept. 2012]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/BP7_Oct_2011_Final_Letter.pdf Briefing Paper #7: Hazardous Waste Recycling: No Justification for Toxic Trade &#8211; Oct 2011]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BP8_Sept2012Final_A4.pdf Briefing Paper #8: Running From Basel: How the Convention is Deliberately Undermined &#8211; Sept. 2012]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BP9_Sept2012Final_A4.pdf Briefing Paper #9: Building Toxic Waste Colonies: Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements - Sept. 2012]
* [http://www.ban.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BP10_Sept2012Final_A4.pdf Briefing Paper #10: Preventing the Digital Dump: Ending &#8220;Re-use Abuse&#8221; &#8211; Sept. 2012]
* [http://ban.org/library/root_of_environmental_injustice.html The Root of Environmental Injustice: The False Economics of Extraction and Consumption of Toxic Substances &#8211; February 2007]
* Stop the US from Exporting its Toxic Ships &#8211; BAN, 20 October 2003]
* [http://ban.org/library/factsheet.html FACT SHEET: The Export of Toxic Ships to Asia &#8211; May 1999]
<h3>Other Briefing Papers and Fact Sheets</h3>
* [http://ban.org/library/ComputerFactSheet.pdf Computers &#8211; Recycling Council of Ontario, October 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/ISAC.PDF" Backgrounder on Lawsuit to Open up Government Chemical Trade Advisory Committee (ISAC-3) &#8211; April 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/ECOSRESOLUTION.PDF" State Environment Commissioners Resolutions on Retiring Mercury &#8211; 26 February 2001]
* [http://ban.org/library/assuming.pdf Assuming Federal Responsibility for Managing the Stockpile of Mercury Leftover from Ceased Industrial Production &#8211; by Arthur J. Rocque Jr, Department of Environmental Protection, Connecticut, September 2000]
* [http://ban.org/library/total_foreign.pdf Department of Defense Foreign Manufactured PCB Inventory by Country &#8211; February 1999]
<h3>Regional and National Waste Trade Bans and Agreements</h3>
* [http://ban.org/library/LaPazAgreement.pdf La Paz Agreement between Mexico and USA (see Annex III)]
* [http://ban.org/library/china_list.html" New List of Wastes China has Banned for Import]
* [http://ban.org/library/JT00126439.PDF" OECD Decision of the Council on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations (red, amber regime)]
* [http://ban.org/library/waigani_treaty.html Waigani Treaty]
* [http://ban.org/library/bamako_treaty.html Bamako Convention]
* [http://ban.org/library/lome4_article39.html Lome IV Convention, Article 39]
* [http://ban.org/library/izmir.html Izmir Protocol]
* [http://ban.org/library/centroamerica.html Acuerdo Regional sobre Movimiento Transfronterizo de Desechos Peligrosos &#8212; Centroamerica]
* [http://ban.org/library/NewWSR.pdf European Union Hazardous Waste Trade Regulation]
<h3>Scientific Articles</h3>
* [http://ban.org/library/Scientific/ewaste_contaminates_chinese_city_with_dioxins.pdf E-Waste Recycling Heavily Contaminates a Chinese City with Chlorinated, Brominated and Mixed Halogenated Dioxins &#8211; Yu et al 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Scientific/Leung_HM_Dust_Guiyu_2008.pdf Heavy Metals Concentrations of Surface Dust from e-Waste Recycling and Its Human Health Implications in Southeast China &#8211; Environmental Science &amp; Technology &#8211; 4 March 2008]
* [http://ban.org/library/Scientific/es0625935.pdf Spatial Distribution of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Soil and Combusted Residue at Guiyu, an Electronic Waste Recycling Site in Southeast China &#8211; Environmental Science &amp; Technology &#8211; 14 March 2007]
* [http://ban.org/library/Scientific/Wong%202006_Heavy%20Metal%20Contamination%20of%20sediments%20E-waste%20processing%20VillageChina.pdf Trace metal contamination of sediments in an e-waste processing village in China &#8211; Elsevier &#8211; 12 May 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Scientific/Xu_Wong_2006_PAH%20WEE%20Recycling%20Chinese%20Village.pdf Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils at Guiyu area of China, affected by recycling of electronic waste using primitive technologies &#8211; Elsevier &#8211; 1 April 2006]
* [http://ban.org/library/Scientific/Weber%20Kuch_EnvironmentInternational%2029_pp%20699_2003.pdf Relevance of BFRs and thermal conditions on the formation pathways of brominated and brominated-chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans &#8211; Elsevier]
<h3>National Legislation</h3>
* [http://ban.org/library/HouseRes_1395.pdf House Resolution 1395: Expressing concern over the current Federal policy that allows the exportation of toxic electronic waste to developing nations &#8211; 31 July 2008]
<h3>Model National Legislation</h3>
* [http://ban.org/library/modeleg.html Model Legislation Implementing the Basel Convention, Prohibiting the Import and Transit of Hazardous Wastes and Controlling their Export]
<h3>Information for Funders</h3>
* [http://ban.org/library/IRSDeterminationLetter.pdf IRS Determination Letter]
* [http://ban.org/library/basel1.html Basel Convention Legal References &#8211; New York University]
* [http://ban.org/library/why.html Why We are Here]

Latest revision as of 16:46, 22 September 2020

Welcome to the Basel Action Network's new wiki page!

This will be a continually updated work-in-progress. Our plan is to assemble the most comprehensive collection of toxic trade information available online. Submissions & feedback are always welcome!

Important Documents

Investigative Reports

Basel Convention & Other Treaties

(Includes "International Toxics Progress Report Card")


"Charred televisions from 2014 found in Parowan, Utah. Electronics were improperly stored outside by Stone Castle Recycling and were caught in a blaze of indeterminate origin, releasing dangerous toxins into the surrounding area." - Link to report/page


(Collection of BAN's key documents)
(Collection of BAN's investigative work & supporting documents)
(Collection of documents including: Briefing Papers, Editorials, Scientific Articles)
(Collection of Action Alerts, and Delegate Alerts)
(Archive of various toxics-related press)
(External link to BAN Flickr.com page)
(Featured media / articles / podcasts relating to BAN)

Pages Coming Soon

  • Types of electronic devices
  • Toxic substances present in electronic devices
  • Electronic recycling regulations
  • e-Stewards Certification Program
  • Toxic substances present in ships
  • Locations of ship breaking
  • Ship recycling regulations
  • Green Ship Recycling Program