About the Basel Ban
What is the Basel Ban?
A Victory for Environment and Justice: The Basel Ban and How it Happened
“The Basel Ban — Triumph Over Business-As-Usual”
Chronology of the Basel Ban
Text I/22 (Requesting Developing Countries to Prohibit Import of Hazardous Wastes from Industrialized Countries)
Text II/12 (Banning Exports of Hazardous Wastes from OECD to non-OECD Countries)
Text III/1 (Decides to Amend the Basel Convention to Ban Exports from OECD, EU and Lietchenstein to other countries)
Current Number of Ratifications (Deposit Box)
Which Parties have Ratified or Implemented the Ban (Country Status)
The Basel Ban Amendment: The First Step Towards Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes
The Basel Treaty’s Ban on Hazardous Waste Exports: An Unfinished Success Story, By Jim Puckett, International Environment Reporter, 6 December 2000