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Open Letters

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> " target="_blank BAN Statement Regarding Past Violations of Pledge by Electronics Recycling International - 29 November 2010 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> " target="_blank BAN’s Letter to the EPA, to halt the export of the recently reflagged ships Anders and Bonny - 26 August 2009 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> " target="_blank BAN’s Response to the ISRI Letter to CBS’s 60 Minutes Program Regarding US e-Waste Exports - 19 November 2008 [ International NGOs Statement of Solidarity with the Filipino People Against the Ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement</a> – 9 October 2008 [ DENR Playing Cheerleader for Trade</a> – 2 October 2007 (Published) [ Improper Attribution</a> – 2 October 2007 (Published) [ Letter to Governor Gregoire, Governor of the State of Washington</a> – 12 September 2007 [ Letter to Jay Shepard, Washington State Department of Ecology</a> – 30 August 2007 [ JPEPA and Petty Name Calling</a> – 17 August 2007 (Published) Civil Society Letter to His Excellency Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Calling for the Removal of Toxic Waste and Other Exploitative Provisions in the Various Japanese Economic Partnership Agreements - 3 May 2007 [ Japanese Citizen Groups Urge the Japanese Government to Remove Wastes from JTEPA, to Seek National Self-Sufficiency in Waste Management, and to End the Strategy for Export to Developing Countries</a> – 2 April 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> " target="_blank Open letter to Dr. Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program - 12 March 2007 [ Japanese Citizen Groups Urge the Japanese Government to Remove Wastes from EPAs with Developing Countries and to Seek National Self-Sufficiency in the Waste Management</a> – 11 February 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Open Letter to Mr. Bill Gates and Mr. Steve Ballmer of the Microsoft Corporation</a> – 1 February 2007 [ Citizen Groups Joint Statement of Opinion, Critique of the Japanese Government’s Strategy to Export Wastes to Developing Countries Under the Name of International Resource Recycling</a> – 8 December 2006 [ Open letter of the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking to Mr. Stavros Dimas, Environment Commissioner – European Commission</a> – 23 October 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Letter to the Hon. Ian Campbell, Australia’s Minister for the Environment and Heritage, regarding export of hazardous waste for disposal</a> – 6 September 2006 [ Open letter of the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking Demanding Norwegian Cruise Lines to Buy-Back the SS Norway</a> – 21 July 2006 [ Letter from Indian trade union to Intl’ counterparts</a> – 5 February 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Letter from Danish Minister Hedegaard to Indian Minister Raja</a> – 15 April 2005 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank End of Life Vessel “Ferbec” on Its Way to a Shipbreaking Yard</a> – 9 March 2005 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The 4Rs are the Way to a Sustainable Waste Policy: Comments to Commerce Department on 3Rs Initiative</a> – 14 October 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Open Letter to Mr. David Anderson, Canadian Minister of the Environment Regarding the Construction of a Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Canada</a> – 14 October 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Coalition Letter to Minister Alec Erwin, Minister of Trade and Industry of South Africa in Regards to South Africa’s Involvement in International Hazardous Waste Trade and South Africa’s Reluctance to Sign International Waste Ban</a> – 25 April 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Coalition Letter to Mr. Valli Moosa, Environment Minister of South Africa in Regards to South Africa’s Involvement in International Hazardous Waste Trade and South Africa’s Reluctance to Sign International Waste Ban</a> – 25 April 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Statement of Concern by Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition and the Basel Action Network regarding the 3rd OECD Workshop on Environmentally Sound Management of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations</a> – 19 March 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank US NGO Letter to State Department regarding Basel Convention / Basel Ban Amendment Ratification</a> – 9 August 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ Return Letter from Danish Environment Minister Svend Auken to NGOs</a> – 14 May 2001 [ NGO Letter to International Finance Corporation Regarding Health Care Investment</a> – 7 May 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ Open letter to Danish Government from NGOs Urging a Change in Waste Management Aid Projects</a>- 18 April 2001 [ Coalition Letter to Philadelphia Mayor, John Street, urging that he reclaim the incinerator ash dumped on Haiti</a> – 27 January 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Coalition Letter to Undersecretary of Defense Gansler: Urging halt to shipment of mercury to India</a> – 19 January 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Coalition Letter to USEPA Administrator Carol Browner, Asking her to halt shipment of mercury to India</a> – 14 November 2000 [ Ministry of Environment of Mozambique Final Decision on Pesticide Stockpiles Project</a> – September 2000 [ Coalition Letter to Mr. Valli Moosa, Environment Minister of South Africa in regard to importation of toxic waste from Australia</a> – 14 September 2000 [ Coalition Letter to Mr. Robert Hill, Minister of Environment of Australia in regard to their export of toxic waste to South Africa</a> – 12 September 2000 [" target="_blank Coalition Letter to David Anderson, Environment Minister of Canada regarding new attempts by US to dump military wastes in Canada</a> – 31 August 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ Notice of Permit by Australia to Export Toxic Waste to South Africa</a> – July 2000 [ Coalition Letter to Felicia Marcus, Regional Administrator of region IX, regarding Defense Department PCBs going to Wake Island</a> – 10 May 2000 [ Letter Announcing NGO Boycott of OECD Workshop on Environmentally Sound Management of Waste Recycling</a> – 25 October 1999 [ Letter to French government authorities regarding Formosa Plastics Waste</a> – 11 October 1999 [ BAN comments on OECD recommendations regarding “Harmonizing” OECD Waste management decisions with the Basel Convention</a> – 4 October 1999 [ Letter to Taiwan EPA</a> – 24 August 1999 [ Urgent third letter to Chuck Clarke, Region X EPA Administrator, regarding impending shipment of FPG toxic waste</a> – 20 July 1999 [ Second letter to Chuck Clarke, Region X EPA Administrator, regarding plan to import FPG waste into the USA</a> – 1 July 1999 Letter to Chuck Clarke, Region X EPA Administrator, regarding plan to import FPG waste into the USA - 26 May 1999 [ Response to third coalition letter by Mr. Poul Neilson re: Danish promotion of incinerator in Mozambique</a>- January 1999 [ Cambodia: Sam Rainsy Party Position Paper on Hazardous Waste Dumping in Cambodia</a> – 25 January 1999 [ Third letter to Danish Minister of Development, Mr. Poul Nielson, re: Danish promotion of incinerator in Mozambique</a> – 22 December 1998 [ Second letter to Danish Minister of Development, Mr. Poul Nielson, re: Danish promotion of incinerator in Mozambique</a> – 23 July 1998 Letter to Danish Minster of Development, re: Danish promotion of incinerator in Mozambique - 2 July 1998 [ Letter sent by USA Environmental Organizations to US State Department on the subject of USA ratification of the Basel Convention</a> – 8 May 1998

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<a name="editorials </a> Speeches, Opinion and Editorials

[ BAN Editorial: “Three Reasons Why Prof. Eric Williams has it Wrong About a Ban on e-Waste Exports”</a> – 13 August 2010 [ EPA Chief Calls for Limiting Exports of e-Waste to Developing Countries</a> – 25 May 2010 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank IN MY OPINION: From e-dumping to e-stewardship</a> – March 2010 [ Final Speech of the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking before the International Conference on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships</a> – 15 May 2009 [ Speech given by the NGO Platform on Shipbreaking on The Beaching Method</a> – 13 May 2009 [ Ship-breaking shutdown</a> – 19 March 2009 [ Handling e-waste</a> – 3 January 2009 [ Electronics dumping ground</a> – 23 September 2008 [ Speech of Mr. Jim Puckett (Basel Action Network) – World Forum on Waste Management for Human Health and Livelihood</a> – Basel Convention 9th Conference of the Parties, Nusa Dua, Bali. 26 June 2008 [ Basel Action Network Intervention on e-Waste</a> – 24 June 2008 [ Basel Action Network Intervention Regarding Entry into Force of the BAN Amendment</a> – 24 June 2008 [ Cleaning Up China</a> – 24 September 2007 [ More Selfishness</a> – 10 July 2007 [ Safely Eliminating E-waste</a> – 22 June 2007 [ What’s the rush to ink the Japan FTA?</a> – 1 April 2007 [ Data Dump</a> – 27 March 2007 [ iWaste</a> – March/April 2007 Issue of Mother Jones [ Closing Statement / IMO MEPC 55</a> – NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 13 October 2006 [ State Pulse: Gujarat: Ugly side of ship-breaking trade</a> – 8 September 2006 [ An ocean of misery at the end</a> – 25 August 2006 [ India dances on the toxic dirt</a> – 16 June 2006 [ Legal obligations can prohibit entry of Blue Lady</a> – 16 June 2006 [ Ship recycling is lifeline of shipping industry</a> – 16 June 2006 [ Blue Lady seduces SC on Environment Day</a> – 6 June 2006 [ Where does all the e-waste go?</a> – 4 May 2006 [ Technology made to be broken</a> – 2 May 2006 [ Computer-age leftovers</a> – 14 April 2006 [ The ugly side of the E-world</a> – 6 April 2006 [ E-waste is e-vil</a> – 18 March 2006 [ Grasping the real cost of obsolescence</a> – 6 March 2006 [ Doing what’s right and increasing profits too</a> – 22 February 2006 [ Clemenceau returns, but health and safety blight remains</a> – 16 February 2006 [ Will the SC allow Clemenceau in?</a> – 11 February 2006 [ E-Waste@Large</a> – 27 January 2006 [ The Reign of Toxic Terror</a> – 19 January 2006 [ The global toxic dump</a> – 7 January 2006 [ Trading in Poison</a> – 14 December 2005 [ The e-waste problem</a> – 21 November 2005 [ From Houston with Love</a> – 9 November 2005 [ World not always black and white; it’s sometimes checkered</a> – 6 November 2005 [ E-waste</a> – 2 November 2005 [ Environment ministry plays ostrich. Meanwhile, hazardous wastes are being dumped on Indian shores</a> – 20 May 2005 [ Not a ringing endorsement</a> – 7 March 2005 [ Travelin’ Trash</a> – 1 July 2004 [ What if the U.S. banned e-scrap exports?</a> – 12 April 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comment: Basel Action Network’s Jim Puckett looks at Environmental Justice, Free Trade, and Toxics</a> – Waste Management World – January-February 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank European Union Environment Commisioner Wallstrom on ‘Ghost Fleet’ before the European Parliament</a> – 20 October 2003 [ ‘Ghost Fleet’: Export of Jobs, Toxic Waste is Lose-Lose Proposition</a> – 18 October 2003 [ This is Not Good</a> – 6 October 2003 [ There’s an Easy Answer for E-Waste</a> – 25 September 2003 [ Out of Sight</a> – 12 September 2003 [" target="_blank Shipbreakers, Revisited</a> – 13 April 2003 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The Real-Life Recycling Horror Show</a> – March 2003 [ Growing Threat of Computers In, Poison Out</a> – 23 August 2002 [ Ship of Foolishness</a> – Sun-Sentinel – 28 February 2001 [ Lessons from Mercury</a> – Natural Resources Council of Maine, Bangor Daily News – 30 January 2001 [" target="_blank Is There a Decent Way to Break Ships?</a> – by Paul J. Bailey, 2000 [ Remove Mercury Stocks</a> – by Arthur J. Rocque Jr., Bangor Daily News,18 November 2000 [ Congress Must Rescue Atolls from Toxic Waste</a> – The Honolulu Advertiser, 23 May 2000 [ Garbage In, Garbage Out (re: PCBs on Wake Island)</a> – The Morrock News Service, 19 May 2000 [ Wake Island Unsuitable for Storage of PCBs</a> – Honolulu Advertiser, 12 May 2000 [ Launching Real Solutions to Our Toxic Legacy</a> – by Jim Puckett, Basel Action Network, Seattle Times, 11 April 2000 [ PCBs: Facts vs. Hype</a> – Seattle Times, 10 April 2000 [ Dumping on Nevada</a> – by Brian Greenspun, Editor of Las Vegas Sun, 14 March 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Environmental Impacts of Shipbreaking</a> – Greenpeace/BAN speech at workshop on ship recycling at Bhavnagar, India , 19 February 2000 [ Shipbreaking: The Way Forward</a> – by Nityanand Jayaraman, Greenpeace International for Lloyd’s List, 16 February 2000 [ Japan: Those Who Make a Mess Should Have to Clean it Up</a> – Asahi News, 13 January 2000 [" target="_blank Host Country Bill of Rights for Persons, Indigenous Peoples, Communities and Nations Hosting Foreign and Colonial Military Bases</a> – International Grassroots Summit on Military Base Cleanup, 25-29 October 1999 [ Pesticide Bomb Against the Poor</a> – by Jørn Jespersen, Information, 12 October 1999 [ Scrapping of Ocean-Going Ships: A Global Environmental and Human Rights Problem</a> – Speech by Thilo Bode, Greenpeace International, June 1999 [ Cambodia Must Ratify Basel Convention to Avoid “Logic” of Waste Trafficking</a> – 28 May 1999 [ Shipbreaking: Oh Dear</a> – Lloyd’s List, 22 February 1999 [ Letter to Editor: Scrap Policy Not Only Immoral But Illegal</a> – 10 February 1999 [ Beware U.S. Fox in Basel Chicken Coop</a> – The Environmental Forum, January/February 1999 [ Burning Denmark’s Good Name in Mozambique</a> – Development Today, October 1998

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<a name="features </a> Feature Articles

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Targeting Toxic Waste</a> – by Chris Gillis, American Shipper, May 2010 [ Rethinking Hazardous Waste under NAFTA</a> – 10 August 2009 [ Following The Trail Of Toxic E-Waste</a> – 9 November 2008 [ The Underbelly of Globalization: Our Toxic Wastes Exported to Developing Countries</a> – 25 September 2008 [ Trashed</a> – 1 May 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Export of Electronics Equipment Waste</a> – Jan/Mar 2008 [ The Afterlife of Cellphones</a> – 13 January 2008 [ Time to realize the global E-Waste Crisis</a> – July 2007 [ Rough Times in Guiyu</a> – May 2007 [ A dying industry in India’s graveyard of ships</a> – 5 July 2006 [ Onus on firms to handle rising e-waste</a> – 2 July 2006 [ High Tech Trash: An Interview with Elizabeth Grossman</a> – 28 June 2006 [ Barely Regulated, E-waste Piles Up in U.S., Abroad</a> – 11 May 2006 [ How to recycle your computer</a> – 10 April 2006 [ Where computers go to die — and kill</a> – 10 April 2006 [ Dump on us: We’re Indians</a> – 26 January 2006 [ Green computing: how to watch your waste</a> – 24 November 2005 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Recycling: No Excuse for Global Environmental Injustice</a> – BAN, 29 August 2003 [ Shifting Environmental Risks</a> – July 2002 <img src="" alt="" /> [ Ghosts in the Machines</a> – 12 May 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Seeping Through the Regulatory Cracks</a> – Winter-Spring 2002 [ Unilever’s Dumping Fever</a> – by Nityanand Jayaraman for Multinational Monitor, April 2001 [ NAFTA’s Investor “Rights — A Corporate Dream, A Citizen Nightmare</a> – by Mary Bottari, Multinational Monitor, April 2001 [ Piles of Poisons in Mexico</a> – 22 March 2002 <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank The Mercury Conundrum</a> – Chemical and Engineering News, 5 February 2001 <img src="" alt="" /> [ Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, Philadelphia Weekly</a> – 18 January 2001 [ The Basel Convention Ban on Hazardous Waste Exports: An Unfinished Success Story</a> – International Environmental Reporter, 6 December 2000 [ Environmental Threats to the Health of Children: The Asian Perspective</a> – Published in Environmental Health Perspectives; Vol 108, Number 10, October 2000 [" target="_blank Death Inside the Factory Gates</a> – Down to Earth, 30 September 2000 [ Medical Waste Treatment Strategies and Technologies: A Basic Overview for Developing Countries</a> – by Glenn McRae [ Stemming the Tide: Statutory Attempts to Stop the Flood of Hazardous Waste shipped to Mexico</a> – by Earl Shepherd, New England International and Comparative Law Annual, 1999 <img src="" alt="" /> [ Return to Sihanoukville</a> – Taipei Times, 4 December 1999 <img src="" alt="" /> [ I’m Innocent, Says Taiwanese Waste Importer</a> – Taipei Times, 4 December 1999 <img src="" alt="" /> [ Taiwan: The ‘Island of Poison’</a> – Taipei Times, 4 December 1999 [ What the New U.S. Treasury Chief has in Store for Asia</a> – 26 July 1999 [ The Mercury-Laced Waste that Formosa Plastics Sent to Cambodia — There’s More Where That Came From!</a> – 14 July 1999 [ Asia’s Toxic Formula for Waste</a> – Los Angeles Times, 4 March 1999 [ Trade in Hazardous Waste: Environmental Justice Versus Economic Growth</a> – by Zada Lipman [ Waste Trade and the Basel Convention: Background and Update</a> – by Mary Tieman, Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, 30 December 1998 [ Something Rotten From Denmark: The Incinerator “Solution” to Aid Gone Bad in Mozambique</a> – Multinational Monitor, December 1998 [ WTO and the Environment</a> – Chemical and Engineering News, November 1998 [ Danish Support to Toxic Waste Treatment in Southern Africa, Greenpeace and Local Groups Fear Increased Illegal Waste Trade</a> – Development Today, October 1998 [ Danish Ministry Funds Campaign Against Danish Aid Project</a> – Development Today, October 1998 [ Basel Ratification: OECD Ban Update Could Free Senate</a> – Environmental Law Institute Report,September/October 1998 <img src="" alt="" /> [ Titanic Junkyard: Shipbreaking is Creating Myriad Ecological Problems in Gujarat</a> – Down to Earth, March 1998 [ Philly Waste Go Home</a> – Multinational Monitor, February 1998 <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank Baltimore Sun Shipbreaking Series</a> – Baltimore Sun, November 1997 xx [ Exposing the Recycling Hoax: Bharat Zinc and the Politics of the International Waste Trade</a> – Multinational Monitor, February 1996

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<a name="international </a> Other Languages


[ E-Trash: Stemming The Tide Of Global Trade Of High-Tech Toxic Waste</a>

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<a name="submissions </a> Submissions to the Basel Convention and other Relevant Bodies

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Revision to the Export Provisions of the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Rule</a> – May 2012 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Comments on Three Swiss-Indonesian Country Led Initiative (CLI) Documents</a> – 7 May 2010 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Annotated Comments on Three Swiss-Indonesian CLI Documents (Part 2)</a> – 7 May 2010 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comments on the 5th Draft Technical Guidelines on the Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury Wastes (Jan 2010, UNEP/CHW/OEWG/7/INF/10) — Zero Mercury Working Group</a> – 30 April 2010 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> " target="_blank EPEAT Label Should Not Use Recycling Standards That Violate International Waste Trade Laws - 19 January 2010 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank FORRESTAL Class Aircraft Carrier Scrapping and Dismantling Request for Information</a> – 27 July 2009 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Determining “Equivalent Level of Control” as Established under the Basel Convention, NGO Shipbreaking Platform</a> – January 2009 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank What’s Wrong With the EPA’s New R2 Electronics Recycling Standard?</a> – November 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank How to Scam the R2 Standards and Keep On Exporting E-Waste!</a> – November 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Detailed Critique of Problems with R2 Standard</a> – November 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Summary of NGO Comments on the Kobe 3R Action Plan of the G8</a> – 26 June 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The NGO Platform’s Green Ship Recycling Standard – Draft 2</a> – 23 June 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Basel Convention Ban Amendment – Entry into Force Country Analysis</a> – June 2008 [ The Otapan Principles</a> – 12 May 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The Japanese Citizens Strongly Support the Philippine Citizens’ Opposition to the Ratification of the Japan-Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement as Currently Proposed</a> – 23 October 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> " target="_blank BAN Comments on the European Commission’s Green Paper on Better Ship Dismantling[SEC(2007) 645</a> – Basel Action Network, 30 September 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank NGO Platform on Shipbreaking Comments on the European Commission’s Green Paper on Better Ship Dismantling</a> – NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 30 September 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Apple Computer Position on E-waste Exports May Be Out of Compliance with International Law</a>([ HTML Version</a>) - Basel Action Network, 16 April 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Annotations and Commentary on Japanese Paper Regarding the Draft IMO International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships in the Context of Decision VII/26</a> – Provided to the Eighth Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention Nairobi, 25 November – December 1 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Urgent Considerations for Correcting Deficiencies in the Draft Convention on the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships</a> – NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 8 October 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comments on the Indian Committee Inspection Report on the Hazardous Materials onboard the SS Blue Lady</a> – 31 July 2006 [ Copy of SDIS Letter to Indian MOEF, Raising New Concerns over Asbestos in SS Norway (SS Blue Lady, ex-France)</a> – 16 July 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The SS BLUE LADY (ex Norway, France): India’s International and National Obligations to Prohibit the Illegal Traffic in Toxic Waste Vessels</a> – Basel Action Network, 26 May 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Taking Back the SS BLUE LADY: Malaysia’s Legal Obligation under the Basel Convention</a> – Basel Action Network, 17 May 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank A Call for an Interpretation of Article 17 by the Parties for Rapid Entry into Force of the Basel Ban Amendment</a> – Basel Action Network, April 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Critique of Draft I.M.O. “International Convention for Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships”</a> – by the Basel Action Network on behalf of the Global NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 15 March 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comments on the EPA’s Intent to Issue the US Navy Approval for the Disposal of PCBs</a> – Basel Action Network, 19 January 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Obligations and Opportunities for a Mandatory Alternate or Additional Instrument to the Basel Convention for End-of-Life Ships Submitted by Greenpeace and the Basel Action Network (BAN)</a> – Submitted by Greenpeace and the Basel Action Network (BAN), 25 May 2005 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Legal Analysis of Letter from Mr. Raja to Ms. Hedegaard regarding the legal application of the Basel Convention to the Kong Frederik IX (aka Riky)</a> – Basel Action Network, 3 May 2005 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Wireless Waste: Basel Convention’s Next Hazardous Waste Challenge</a> – Basel Action Network, October 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Comments on the Draft National Guidance for Best Management Practices for Preparing Vessels Intended to Create Artificial Reefs</a> – Basel Action Network, 1 October 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Critique of EPA Plug-in to Ecycling Recycling Guidelines for Materials Management</a> – Basel Action Network, 24 May 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comments on the Analysis of Issues Related to Annex VII (Phase II)</a> – Basel Action Network, 6 February 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Comments and Proposals for Resolving Basel Convention Shipbreaking Issues</a> – 6 January 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The IMO Guidlines on Ship Recycling Annotated — A Critique</a> – Basel Action Network/Greenpeace, 21 November 2003 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comments on EPA Proposed Recycling Criteria for Plug-In to Recycling program</a> – BAN and others, 13 November 2003 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Critique of California Electronic Waste Bill</a> – 17 September 2003 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Computer Take Back Campaign Critique of California Electronic Waste Bill</a> – 19 September 2003 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Comments on EPA Proposed Rule on Cathode Ray Tubes and Mercury-Containing Equipment</a>- 12 August 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Shipbreaking and the Legal Obligations Under the Basel Convention</a> – 10 January 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Comments on Basel Technical Guidelines on Shipbreaking</a> – 10 January 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comments on the Review and Revision of the European Union Waste Shipment Regulation</a> – Basel Action Network (BAN) and European Environmental Bureau (EEB), November 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Comments on Report by the ERM on Part II of the Study on Implementation of Decision IV/8</a> – June 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN Comments on Document B on Part II of the Study on Implementation of Decision IV/8</a> – June 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Amicus Brief filed by NGOs on French Asbestos Case before WTO Appelate Body</a> – 6 February 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The Obstructive Role of the US, Canada, and Australia in Negotiating International Environmental Policy and Law Making</a> – 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Towards a Policy on Chemical Waste Stockpile Destruction and Transport in Africa: Ensuring Environmentally Sound Management of Existing Chemical Wastes and Stockpiles through the Stockholm, Basel and Bamako Conventions</a> – Basel Action Network , 8-12 January 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Vers une politique en matière de destruction et de transport des stocks de déchets chimiques en Afrique: Assurer une gestion écologiquement rationnelle des déchets et stocks chimiques existants, par le biais des Conventions de Stockholm, de Bâle et de Bamako</a> – Basel Action Network , 8-12 January 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comments on the Review and Revision of the European Union Waste Shipment Regulation</a> – November 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Project Concept Paper, Alternative POPs Destruction Pilot Project</a> – Global Environmental Facility, 22 – November 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> " target="_blank Comments on the Draft Document on the Relationship Between the Basel Convention and the Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)</a> – BAN, October 2000 [[ HTML File</a> <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Comments on the Draft Guidance Elements for Bilateral, Multilateral and Regional Agreements or Arrangements</a> – BAN, October 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Hazardous Characteristic H13 – Its Meaning and Importance to the Basel Convention</a> – BAN, 23 June 2000 [ Comments on the Basel Convention Draft Technical Guideline on the Environmentally Sound Management of Biomedical and Healthcare Waste (Y1; Y2; Y3)</a> – BAN, 10 May 2000 [ The Basel Ban: The First Step Toward Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes</a> – February 2000 [ Environmentally Sound Management and the Basel Ban Amendment</a> – BAN, December 1999 [ Saving the Basel Liability Protocol</a> – 30 August 1999 [ Comments on the Draft Liability Protocol</a> – West Coast Environmental Law and BAN, 19 April 1999 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank 11 Recommendations for Improving Medical Waste Waste Management</a> – BAN, Health Care Without Harm, April 1999 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank 11 Recomendaciones 11 Recomendaciones Para Mejorar el Manejo de los Residuos Patológicos</a> – BAN, Health Care Without Harm, April 1999 (Spanish Version) <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank 11 Recommandations Pour Améliorer La Gestion Des Déchets Bio-médicaux</a> – BAN, Health Care Without Harm, April 1999 (French Version) [ Clinical Waste in Developing Countries</a> – BAN and Srishti, April 1999 [ Shipbreaking and the Basel Convention — An Analysis</a> – BAN and Greenpeace, 12 April 1999 [ Comments on Decision IV/8: Regarding Annex VII</a> – BAN, 12 April 1999 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Study on the Legal Aspects of the Dismantling of Ships</a> – Prepared for Ministry of Environment of Norway by Professor Geir Ulfstein, 9 March 1999

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<a name="reports </a> Reports

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Jobs and Dollars Overboard: The Economic Case against Dumping U.S. Naval Vessels at Sea</a> – Basel Action Network (BAN), 13 December 2010 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Model African State Policy on Importation of Used Electronic and Electrical Equipment (UEEE)</a> – Prepared by the Basel Action Network (BAN), 23 November 2009 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank GAO United States Government Accountability Office Report to the Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, ELECTRONIC WASTE: EPA Needs to Better Control Harmful U.S. Exports through Stronger Enforcement and More Comprehensive Regulation</a> – August 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank JPEPA as a Step in Japan’s Greater Plan to Liberalize Hazardous Waste Trade in Asia</a> – Basel Action Network, 29 August 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Star Cruises Ltd and Norwegian Cruise Lines: Deceiving Germany and Violating International Law in the Export of the SS Norway to India</a> – Prepared by NGO Platform on Shipbreaking, 30 June 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Reefing Madness: The Navy’s Toxic Ship Dumping Program</a> – Greenpeace and BAN, May 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The Clemenceau Case – Potential Hazardous Materials Assessment</a> – Greenpeace, February 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank GAO United States Government Accountability Office Report to Congressional Requesters, ELECTRONIC WASTE: Strengthening the Role of the Federal Government in Encouraging Recycling and Reuse</a> – November 2005 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank The Digital Dump: Exporting Re-Use and Abuse to Africa</a> ([" target="_blank Print Version</a>) - BAN, 24 October 2005 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank CRT Glass Recycling Survey Results</a> – Basel Action Network, 4 August 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Mobile Toxic Waste: Recent Findings on the Toxicity of End-of-Life Cell Phones</a> – Basel Action Network, April 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Key Findings from Taizhou Field Investigation</a> – Basel Action Network, Greenpeace China, March 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Needless Risk: The Bush Administration’s Scheme to Export Toxic Waste Ships to Europe</a> - [" target="_blank A4 Size</a>- BAN, 20 October 2003 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank OECD Guidelines: Technical Guidance for the Environmentally Sound Management of Specific Waste Streams: Used and Scrap Personal Computers</a> – OECD, 18 February 2003 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank Dodging Dilemmas? Environmental and Social Accountability in the Global Operations of California-Based High-Tech Companies</a> – May 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank Exporting Harm: The High-Tech Trashing of Asia</a> – BAN, 25 February 2002 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank The Generation and Management of Hazardous Wastes and Transboundary Hazardous Waste Shipments between Mexico, Canada, and the United States</a>Texas Center for Policy Studies: 1990-2000, May 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank Ships For Scrap III: Steel and Toxic Wastes for Asia</a> – A Greenpeace Report – 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Adverse Effects of the Illicit Movement and Dumping of Toxic and Dangerous Products and Wastes on the Enjoyment of Human Rights</a> – Special Rapporteur on Toxic Waste for the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 19 January 2001; [ Addendum to Same</a> <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank WTO Appellate Report: European Community — Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos Containing Products</a> – 12 March 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank POPs in Africa: Hazardous Waste Trade 1980 – 2000, and Obsolete Pesticides Stockpiles</a> – A Greenpeace Inventory, December 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Potential Applicability of Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment Technologies to RCRA Waste Streams and Contaminated Media</a> – US EPA, August 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Greenpeace Data and Fact Sheet on Indian Hazardous Waste Imports</a> – 12 September 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank A Guide for Shipscrappers: Tips for Regulatory Compliance</a> – USEPA, Summer 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Hazardous Waste Management in the United States / Mexico Border States: More Questions than Answers</a> – March 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank El Manejo de Residuos Peligrosos en Los Estados Fronterizos de Mexico–Estados Unidos: Mas Preguntas que Respuestas</a> – Febrero 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank But What Are We Trading Away? — The World Trade Organization’s Promotion of Economic Inefficiency and Environmental Destruction</a> – APEX, BAN, November 1999 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank When Trade is Toxic: The WTO Threat to Public and Planetary Health</a> – APEX, BAN, November 1999 [" target="_blank Formosa Plastics: A Briefing Paper on Waste, Safety And Financial Issues Including U.S. Campaign Finance Abuses</a> – Coalition Report, September 1999 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ Citizens Guide to Clean Production</a> – by Beverley Thorpe, August 1999 [" target="_blank Human Rights, Justice and Toxic Waste in Cambodia</a> – Human Rights Watch, May 1999 [ Shipbreaking in China</a> – Greenpeace, April 1999 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> <img src="" alt="" /> [" target="_blank Ships For Scrap: Steel and Toxic Wastes for Asia — A Greenpeace Report</a> – December 1998 [ Legal and Political Restraints on the Export of Waste Vessels Containing Hazardous Substances: A Critique of the Report of the US Interagency Panel on Ship Scrapping</a> – June 1998 [ “Lead Astray Again: The Ongoing Illegal Trade of U.S. Scrap Lead Acid Batteries to Brazil”</a> – August 1997

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<a name="compliance </a> Non-Compliance Notifications

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank JAPAN, Basel Non-Compliance Notification Report</a> – 12 March 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank FRANCE, Export of Clemenceau (France Disposes of PCB and Asbestos Laden Vessel to India)</a> – 31 January 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank INDIA & USA</a>- 29 April 2005

Case 1: India Snubs Denmark and Violates the Basel Convention Case 2: US Advocates Ignoring Basel Convention for Waste Mobile Phones

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<a name="legal </a>Legal Filings – Basel Action Network et al. v. US Maritime Administration and Environmental Protection Agency

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ BAN’s Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Countersuit to Intercon Solutions</a> – Filed August 31, 2012. <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ BAN and Sierra Club v. EPA (Complaint to Halt Ocean Dumping of PCBs in Navy SINKEX program)</a> - Filed 12/07/2011 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ Executive Recycle Indictment</a> – Case no: 11-cr-00376-WJM / Filed 09/15/2011 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank U.S. EPA – In the Matter of: EarthEcycle, LLC., – Complaint, Compliance Order and Notice of Opportunity for Hearing</a> – EPA Docket No. RCRA-HQ-2009-0001 / Filed 2009 Jun-5 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank U.S. EPA – In the Matter of: Global Shipping, LLC, and Global Marketing Systems, Inc. – Consent Agreement and Final Order</a> – EPA Docket No. TSCA-09-2008-0003 / Filed 28/01/2009 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank USA vs. Potomac Navigation, Inc. – Preliminary Injunction Order</a> – United States District Court for the District of Maryland / Case 1:08-cv-00717-WMN / Document 10 / Filed 07/03/2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank USA vs. Potomac Navigation, Inc. – Decision on Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss</a> – United States District Court for the District of Maryland / Case 1:08-cv-00717-WMN / Document 9 / Filed 07/03/2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Reply Memorandum in Support of Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgement</a> – MARAD e t al., 16 September 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Reply Memorandum in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgement and in Opposition to Devendants’ Cross-Motion for Summary Judgement</a> – BAN et al., 30 August 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Declaration to Court by MARAD regarding filing of Petition for Exemption from TSCA</a> – MARAD, 30 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ MARAD Petition for Exemption from TSCA for Export of PCB Material</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Petition Exhibits 2B (Towing Certificates)</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Petition Exhibits 2C Continued</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Petition Exhibits 2D Continued</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Memorandum of Opposition to Plaintiff’s Call for Summary Judgement and Support for Cross Motion of Summary Judgement</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Cross Motion for Summary Judgement</a> MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 1</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 3</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 4</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 5</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 6</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [ MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 7</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Cross Motion Exhibit 8</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank MARAD Statement on Material Facts not in Dispute</a> – MARAD, 29 July 2004 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank BAN et al: Motion for Summary Judgement</a> – BAN et al, 1 June 2004

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<a name="briefing </a> BAN Briefing Papers and Fact Sheets

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #1: The Basel Ban: A Triumph for Global Environmental Justice</a> – Sept. 2012 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #2: The US Must Ratify the Entire Basel Convention (or not at all)</a> – Oct 2011 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #3: Annex VII Expansion? – Say ‘No’ to Attempts to Undo the Basel Ban</a> – Sept. 2012 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #4: The Basel Ban Amendment: Entry Into Force = Now!</a> – May 2010 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #5: UN Failure: IMO Ship Scrap Treaty Legalizes Toxic Ship Dumping</a> – Oct 2011 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #6: Package Deal: Four Treaties to Fight Pollution</a> – Sept. 2012 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #7: Hazardous Waste Recycling: No Justification for Toxic Trade</a> – Oct 2011 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #8: Running From Basel: How the Convention is Deliberately Undermined</a> – Sept. 2012 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #9: Building Toxic Waste Colonies: Japan’s Economic Partnership Agreements</a> - Sept. 2012 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Briefing Paper #10: Preventing the Digital Dump: Ending “Re-use Abuse”</a> – Sept. 2012 [ The Root of Environmental Injustice: The False Economics of Extraction and Consumption of Toxic Substances</a> – February 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> Stop the US from Exporting its Toxic Ships – BAN, 20 October 2003 [ FACT SHEET: The Export of Toxic Ships to Asia</a> – May 1999

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<a name="other_breifing </a> Other Briefing Papers and Fact Sheets

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Computers</a> – Recycling Council of Ontario, October 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Backgrounder on Lawsuit to Open up Government Chemical Trade Advisory Committee (ISAC-3)</a> – April 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank State Environment Commissioners Resolutions on Retiring Mercury</a> – 26 February 2001 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Assuming Federal Responsibility for Managing the Stockpile of Mercury Leftover from Ceased Industrial Production</a> – by Arthur J. Rocque Jr, Department of Environmental Protection, Connecticut, September 2000 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Department of Defense Foreign Manufactured PCB Inventory by Country</a> – February 1999

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<a name="agreements </a> Regional and National Waste Trade Bans and Agreements

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank La Paz Agreement between Mexico and USA (see Annex III)</a> [" target="_blank New List of Wastes China has Banned for Import</a> <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank OECD Decision of the Council on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations (red, amber regime)</a> [ Waigani Treaty</a> [ Bamako Convention</a> [ Lome IV Convention, Article 39</a> [ Izmir Protocol</a> [ Acuerdo Regional sobre Movimiento Transfronterizo de Desechos Peligrosos — Centroamerica</a> <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank European Union Hazardous Waste Trade Regulation</a>

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<a name="scientific </a> Scientific Articles

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank E-Waste Recycling Heavily Contaminates a Chinese City with Chlorinated, Brominated and Mixed Halogenated Dioxins</a> – Yu et al 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Heavy Metals Concentrations of Surface Dust from e-Waste Recycling and Its Human Health Implications in Southeast China</a> – Environmental Science & Technology – 4 March 2008 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Spatial Distribution of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Soil and Combusted Residue at Guiyu, an Electronic Waste Recycling Site in Southeast China</a> – Environmental Science & Technology – 14 March 2007 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Trace metal contamination of sediments in an e-waste processing village in China</a> – Elsevier – 12 May 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils at Guiyu area of China, affected by recycling of electronic waste using primitive technologies</a> – Elsevier – 1 April 2006 <img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank Relevance of BFRs and thermal conditions on the formation pathways of brominated and brominated-chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans</a> – Elsevier

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<a name="nat_leg </a> National Legislation

<img src="" alt="" width="18" height="19"" /> [" target="_blank House Resolution 1395: Expressing concern over the current Federal policy that allows the exportation of toxic electronic waste to developing nations</a> – 31 July 2008

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<a name="mod_nat_leg </a> Model National Legislation

[ Model Legislation Implementing the Basel Convention, Prohibiting the Import and Transit of Hazardous Wastes and Controlling their Export</a>

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<a name="funders </a> Information for Funders

[" target="_blank IRS Determination Letter</a>

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<a name="biblio </a> Bibliographies

[ Basel Convention Legal References</a> – New York University

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<a name="poetry </a> Poetry

[ Why We are Here</a>