
From Basel Action Network Wiki
Revision as of 08:40, 23 September 2015 by Variousdinosaurs (talk | contribs)
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Top Intro Area

Say a few things here.

Row1Start Row1 Cell2 Row1 Cell3 Row1 Cell4 Row1Cell5
Row3Cell1 Ice cream Butter Yogurt

Shopping List
Row2 C1 Row2 C2 Row2 C3
Row3 C1 Row3 C2 Row3 C3 Row3 C4 Row3 C4 Colspan2
Row4 Row4 C2 Colspan2 Butter Yogurt
Row5 Row5 4 after 2 empties
Row6 Row6 2 Row6 3 Rowspan3
Row9 Row9 2 Row9 3 Row9 4 Row9 5 rowspan2

  1. CCA414 – Yellow
  2. 1196CC – Blue
  3. CC4F24 – Red
  4. 00aa77 – Green
  5. ffdc01 – Bright Yellow

Row2 C1 Row2 C2 Row2 C3
Row3 C1 Row3 C2 Row3 C3 Row3 C4 Row3 C4 Colspan2
Row4 Row4 C2 Colspan2 Butter Yogurt
Row5 Row5 4 after 2 empties
Row6 Row6 2 Row6 3 Rowspan3
Row9 Row9 2 Row9 3 Row9 4 Row9 5 rowspan2

BAN TINY TEST! 85% of screen


  • Basel Action Network (Link back to main page?)
    • Ban Highlights
  • e-Stewards Certification Program
Image (1.2)
Empty row 2 below image
Conventions row 3 Row 3 under images?
Row9 Row9 2

This column width is 85% of the screen width (and has a background color)

This column is 30% counted from 85% of the screen width

This column is 70% counted from 85% of the screen width (and has a background color)


Welcome to Basel Action Network's wikipedia page; here you will find all our detailed content.

This.. ongoing project that will... be... continually updated over time.. grow... to become the hub for toxic trade newsd... following movement of toxics and hazmats from developed to developing... focused around the Basel treaty...

Please click on the following to find our resources:

General - COPY ME

Basel Convention


some text


blah blah

blah blah blah



Welcome to Basel Action Network's wikipedia page; here you will find all our detailed content.

This.. ongoing project that will... be... continually updated over time.. grow... to become the hub for toxic trade newsd... following movement of toxics and hazmats from developed to developing... focused around the Basel treaty...

Please click on the following to find our resources: