Country Status

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Summary Explanation of Table Listings

Basel Convention

(See Basel Convention)

”The Basel Convention on the Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal” was adopted on 21 March 1989 and went into force on 5 May 1992. It establishes a framework of control over the transboundary movements of hazardous wastes.

If a country has joined the treaty through the deposit of ratification (r), accession (a), acceptance (A) or Approval (AA) they are considered Parties as of the indicated date of deposit. The total number of such Parties is listed. If a country has signed the treaty but has not yet ratified it, this is indicated by the word “signature”.

Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

When the Parties to the Convention sought to make an economic distinction between developed and developing countries in Decision II/12, they chose the divider line established by the OECD — a group which currently has 34 members and and for the most part represent the more highly developed and industrialized countries. This group by far produces the most hazardous waste (estimated at 90%) and by far has the most resources to ensure that it is dealt with responsibly at home. Thus the Basel Ban Decision and Amendment were meant to apply only to these countries. In 1995, the Parties created Annex VII and included the EU countries as well as Liechtenstein (an EFTA member country).

European Union

The Basel Convention allows political or economic integration organizations to join the Convention as Parties to it. The European Commission of the European Economic Community, now known as the European Union, has ratified the Convention as have most of their member states. When it comes time to vote in the Convention, ordinarily the European Commission has the competence to vote the 27 votes of the member states plus one vote for the Commission as a bloc of 28. While the competence over ratification of the treaty itself or its amendments remains the subject of some controversy, it is generally accepted that the European Commission possesses the competence for ratification or accession especially over treaties related to trade. With respect to the Basel Ban Amendment which the Commission has ratified while individual member states have not all taken the somewhat redundant step of likewise ratifying, our table records the Commission and all of the EU countries which (in total 28), while not all having deposited individual ratifications, nevertheless are bound by the Basel Ban as having “Implemented!” it in national law as required by the Waste Shipment Regulation of the European Union.

European Economic Agreement

Additionally the countries of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, all members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) are also bound by the implementation legislation 259/93 and amendments (see below) due to their obligations under the trade linking agreement between EFTA and the EU known as the European Economic Agreement (EEA). As Norway has ratified the Basel Ban Amendment outright, it is listed as a ratifier of the Basel Ban Amendment while Iceland and Liechtenstein are listed as having implemented it.

Basel Ban

Decision II/12: This decision was passed by a consensus of the 66 Parties at the Second Conference of Parties of the Basel Convention on 25 March 1994. All exports of hazardous wastes from OECD to non-OECD countries would be banned. The ban takes place immediately for final disposal, and for those wastes bound for recycling destinations, the ban would take effect on 31 December 1997.

An X on the table indicates the country joined in the consensus decision.

Decision III/1 and Annex VII: This decision was passed by a consensus of the Parties present at the Third Conference of Parties of the Basel Convention on 22 September 1995. It has been determined that there were 87 Parties at that time. The decision established an amendment to the Convention to establish a new Article 4A and an Annex VII. The article obligates Parties that are listed on Annex VII (country members of the OECD, EU and Liechtenstein) to ban exports of hazardous wastes to all countries not listed on Annex VII. The ban would take place immediately for final disposal, and for those wastes bound for recycling destinations, the ban would take effect on 31 December 1997. The Amendment will go into force when 66 countries (3/4ths of the 87 Parties at that time) have ratified it.

An X on the table, indicates the country joined in the consensus decision in 1995. The word “Ratified” and the country flag indicates that the country has deposited its ratification. The word “Implemented” indicates that the country has not ratified but has in fact implemented the agreement in its national policies or laws. However for a full count of ratifications visit the Deposit Box.

Maroon: Basel Convention has entered into force
Gray: Basel Convention has not entered into force/Country is not a party to the Basel Convention
© | Travel Insurance

Red: Needed for entry into force - Not ratified
Green: Needed for entry into force of Basel Ban - Ratified
Blue: Not needed for entry into force - Ratified
© | Travel Insurance

Maroon: Basel Convention has entered into force
Gray: Basel Convention has not entered into force/Country is not a party to the Basel Convention
© - Travel Insurance
Red: Needed for entry into force - Not ratified
Green: Needed for entry into force of Basel Ban - Ratified
Blue: Not needed for entry into force - Ratified
© - Travel Insurance

Basel Convention and Basel Ban Country Status Table

Country (Annex VII shaded) Basel Party Ban Decision II/12 Ban Decision III/1
Afghanistan 25 March 2013
Albania 29 Jun 1999 (a) Albania Flag.gif

27 Oct 2005 (A)

Algeria 15 Sep 1998 (a)
Andorra 23 Jul 1999 (a) Andorra Flag.gif

23 Jul 1999 (A)

Antigua and Barbuda 05 Apr 1993 (a) X X
Argentina 27 Jun 1991 (r) X Argentina flag.gif

19 Sept 2011

Armenia 01 Oct 1999 (a)
Australia 05 Feb 1992 (a) X X
Austria 12 Jan 1993 (r) X Austria Flag.gif

17 Oct 1999 (A)

Azerbaijan 01 Jun 2001 (a)
Bahamas 12 Aug 1992 (a) X X
Bahrain 15 Oct 1992 (r) Bahrain Flag.gif

25 Jul 2005

Bangladesh 01 Apr 1993 (a) X X
Barbados 24 Aug 1995 (a)
Belarus 10 Dec 1999 (a)
Belgium 01 Nov 1993 (r) X Belgium flag.gif

20 Jun 2003

Belize 23 May 1997 (a)
Benin 04 Dec 1997 (a) Benin flag.gif

22 Jan 2014

Bhutan 26 Aug 2002 (a)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 15 Nov 1996 (r) Bolivia Flag.gif

31 Mar 2005

Bosnia and Herzegovina 16 Mar 2001 (a)
Botswana 20 May 1998 (a) Botswana Flag.gif

17 Jun 2004 (A)

Brazil 01 Oct 1992 (a) X X
Brunei Darussalam 16 Dec 2002 (a) Brunei flag.jpg

16 Dec 2002 (A)

Bulgaria 16 Feb 1996 (a) Bulgaria Flag.gif

15 Feb 2000

Burkina Faso 04 Nov 1999(a)
Burundi 06 Jan 1997 (a)
Cambodia 02 Mar 2001 (a)
Cameroon 02 Sep 2001 (a)
Canada 28 Aug 1992 (r) X X
Cabo Verde 02 Jul 1999 (a)
Central African Republic 24 Feb 2006 (a)
Chad 10 Mar 2004 (a)
Chile 11 Aug 1992 (r) X

Chile flag.jpg
12 Aug 2009 A

China 17 Dec 1991 (r) X China flag.jpg

01 May 2001

Colombia 31 Dec 1996 (r) Colombia flag.gif

10 Jun 2014

Comoros 31 Oct 1994 (a)
Congo, Republic of 20 April 2007 (a) Congo Flag.gif

02 Sept 2014

Congo, Democratic Republic of 06 Oct 1994 (a)
Cook Islands 29 Jun 2004 (a) Cook islands flag.gif

29 Jun 2004 (A)

Costa Rica 07 Mar 1995 (a) X
Cote d'Ivoire 01 Dec 1994 (a) Cote d'Ivoire Flag.gif

24 Sept 2013

Croatia 09 May 1994 (a) X Croatia Flag.gif


Cuba 03 Oct 1994 (a) X
Cyprus 17 Sep 1992 (r) X Cyprus flag.gif

07 Jul 2000 (A)

Czech Republic 30 Sep 1993 (d) X Czech republic flag.gif

28 Feb 2000 (A)

Denmark 06 Feb 1994 (AA) X Denmark flag.gif

10 Sep 1997 (AA)

Djibouti 31 May 2002 (a)
Dominica 05 May 1998 (a)
Dominican Republic 10 Jul 2000 (a)
East Timor
Ecuador 23 Feb 1993 (r) X Ecuador flag.gif

06 Mar 1998

Egypt 08 Jan 1993 (a) X Egypt flag.gif

27 Jan 2004

El Salvador 13 Dec 1991 (r) X X
Equatorial Guinea 07 Feb 2003 (a)
Eritrea 10 Mar 2005 (a)
Estonia 21Jul 1992 (a) X Estonia flag.gif

02 Aug 2001

Ethiopia 12 Apr 2000 (a) Ethiopia flag.gif

08 Oct 2003

European Union* 07 Feb 1994 (AA) X Eu flag.gif

30 Sep 1997 (AA)

Finland 19 Nov 1991 (A) X Finland Flag.gif

05 Jun 1996 (A)

France 07 Jan 1991 (AA) X France Flag.gif

18 Nov 2003 (AA)

Gabon 6 Jun 2008 (a)
Gambia 15 Dec 1997 (a) Gambia Flag.gif

09 Mar 2001

Georgia 20 May 1999 (a)
Germany 21 Apr 1995 (r) X Germany Flag.gif

24 May 2002 (A)

Ghana 30 May 2003 (a) Ghana Flag.gif

09 Jun 2005

Greece 04 Aug 1994 (r) X Greece Flag.gif

12 Jul 2010

Guatemala 15 May 1995 (r) Guatemala Flag.gif

26 Dec 2013

Guinea 26 Apr 1995 (r) X
Guinea-Bissau 09 Feb 2005 (a)
Guyana 04 Apr 2001 (a)
Haiti signature
Honduras 27 Dec 1995 (a)
Hungary 21 May 1990 (AA) X Hungary Flag.gif

25 May 2004 (AA)

Iceland 28 Jun 1995 (a) Iceland Flag.gif


India 24 Jun 1992 (r) X X
Indonesia 20 Sep 1993 (a) X Indonesia Flag.gif

24 Oct 2005

Iran, Islamic Republic of 05 Jan 1993 (a) X X
Iraq 02 May 2011 (a)
Ireland 07 Feb 1994 (r) X Ireland Flag.gif

13 Nov 2009

Israel 04 Dec 1994 (r) Israel Flag.gif
Italy 07 Feb 1994 (r) X Italy Flag.gif

3 March 2009

Jamaica 23 Jan 2003 (a)
Japan 17 Sep 1993 (a) X X
Jordan 22 Jun 1989 (AA) X Jordan Flag.gif

06 Dec 2004 (AA)

Kazakhstan 03 Jun 2003 (a)
Kenya 01 Jun 2000 (a) Kenya Flag.gif

9 Sep 2009 A

Kiribati 07 Sep 2000 (a)
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 10 Jul 2008 (a)
Korea, Republic of 28 Feb 1994 (a) X
Kuwait 11 Oct 1993 (r) X Kuwait Flag.gif

12 May 2006

Kyrgyzstan 13 Aug 1996 (a)
Lao, People's Democratic Republic 21 September 2010 (a)
Latvia 14 Apr 1992 (a) X

Latvia Flag.gif
18 Dec 2003 (A)

Lebanon 21 Dec 1994 (r) X
Lesotho 31 May 2000 (a) Lesotho Flag.gif

22 Feb 2012 A

Liberia 22 Sep 2004 (a) Liberia Flag.gif

16 Sep 2005 (A)

Libya 12 Jul 2001 (a)
Liechtenstein 27 Jan 1992 (r) X Liechtenstein Flag.gif

20 May 2003 (A)

Lithuania 24 Apr 1999 (a) Lithuania Flag.gif

7 Nov 2003 (A)

Luxembourg 07 Feb 1994 (r) X Luxembourg Flag.gif

14 Aug 1997

Madagascar 02 Jun 1999 (a)
Malawi 21 Apr 1994 (a) X X
Malaysia 08 Oct 1993 (a) X Malaysia Flag.gif

26 Oct 2001

Maldives 28 Apr 1992 (a) X X
Mali 12 May 2000 (a)
Malta 19 Jun 2000 (a) Malta Flag.gif


Marshall Islands 27 Jan 2003 (a)
Mauritania 16 Aug 1996 (a)
Mauritius 24 Nov 1992 (a) X Mauritius Flag.gif

09 Nov 2004

Mexico 22 Feb 1991 (r) X Mexico Flag.gif


Micronesia, Federated States of 06 Sep 1995 (a)
Moldova, Republic of 02 Jul 1998 (a) Moldova Flag.gif

18 Nov 2008 (A)

Monaco 31 Aug 1992 (a) X Monaco Flag.gif

20 March 2013 AA

Mongolia 15 Apr 1997 (a)
Montenegro 23 Oct 2006 (d) Montenegro Flag.gif

23 Oct 2006 (d)

Morocco 28 Dec 1995 (a) Morocco Flag.gif

10 Sep 2004 (AA)

Mozambique 13 Mar 1997 (a)
Myanmar 06 January 2015 (A)
Namibia 15 May 1995 (a) X
Nauru 12 Nov 2001 (a)
Nepal 15 Oct 1996 (a)
Netherlands 16 Apr 1993 (A) X Netherlands Flag.gif

22 Jan 2001 (A)

New Zealand 20 Dec 1994 (r) X
Nicaragua 03 Jun 1997 (a)
Niger 17 Jun 1998 (a)
Nigeria 13 Mar 1991 (r) X

Nigeria Flag.gif
24 May 2004

Norway 02 Jul 1990 (r) X Norway Flag.gif

16 Jul 1997 (A)

Oman 08 Feb 1995 (a) Oman Flag.gif
17 May 2004
Pakistan 26 Jul 1994 (a) X X
Palau 08 September 2011 (a)
Panama 22 Feb 1991 (r) Panama Flag.gif

07 Oct 1998

Papua New Guinea 01 Sep 1995 (a)
Paraguay 28 Sep 1995 (a) Paraguay Flag.gif

28 Aug 1998

Peru 23 Nov 1993 (a) X Peru Flag.gif

30 Mar 2015 (A)

Philippines 21 Oct 1993 (r) X X
Poland 20 Mar 1992 (r) X Poland Flag.gif

29 Jan 2003 (A)

Portugal 26 Jan 1994 (r) X Portugal Flag.gif

30 Oct 2000

Qatar 09 Aug 1995 (a) Qatar Flag.gif

28 Feb 2002

Romania 27 Feb 1991 (a) X Romania Flag.gif

17 Jul 2002 (A)

Russian Federation 31 Jan 1995 (r) X
Rwanda 07 Jan 2004 (a)
Saint Kitts and Nevis 07 Sep 1994 (a)
Saint Lucia 09 Dec 1993 (a) X Saint Lucia Flag.gif

22 Jan 2002

Saint Vincent and Granadines 02 Dec 1996 (a)
Samoa 22 Mar 2002 (a)
Sao Tome and Principe 12 November 2013 (a)
Saudi Arabia 07 Mar 1990 (r) X Saudi Arabia Flag.gif

10 Jan 2013

Senegal 10 Nov 1992 (a) X X
Serbia 18 April 2000 (a) Serbia Flag.gif

22 Nov 2002 (A)

Seychelles 11 May 1993 (a) X X
Sierra Leone
Singapore 02 Jan 1996 (a)
Slovak Republic 28 May 1993 (d) X Slovak Republic Flag.gif

11 Sep 1998 (A)

Slovenia 07 Oct 1993 (a) X Slovenia Flag.gif

01 Dec 2004

Solomon Islands
Somalia 26 July 2010 (a)
South Africa 05 May 1994 (a) X X
South Sudan
Spain 07 Feb 1994 (r) X Spain Flag.gif

07 Aug 1997 (A)

Sri Lanka 28 Aug 1992 (a) Sri Lanka Flag.gif

29 Jan 1999

State of Palestine 02 January 2015 (a)
Sudan 09 Jan 2006 (a)
Suriname 20 September 2011 (a)
Swaziland 08 Aug 2005 (a)
Sweden 02 Aug 1991 (r) X Sweden Flag.gif

10 Sep 1997 (A)

Switzerland 31 Jan 1990 (r) X Switzerland Flag.gif

07 Nov 2002 (A)

Syrian Arab Republic 22 Jan 1992 (r) Syrian Arab Republic Flag.gif

05 Oct 2004

Tanzania, United Republic of 07 Apr 1993 (a) X Tanzania Flag.gif

26 Aug 2002

Thailand 24 Nov 1997 (r)
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 16 Feb 1997 (a) Macedonia Flag.gif

18 Nov 2004

Togo 02 Jul 2004 (a)
Tonga 26 March 2010 (a)
Trinidad and Tobago 18 Feb 1994 (a) X Trinidad and Tobago Flag.gif

12 Jan 2000

Tunisia 11 Oct 1995 (a) Tunisia Flag.gif

26 Mar 1999

Turkey 22 Jun 1994 (r) X Turkey Flag.gif

27 Aug 2003

Turkmenistan 25 Sep 1996 (a)
Uganda 11 Mar 1999 (a)
Ukraine 08 Oct 1999 (a)
United Arab Emirates 17 Nov 1992 (r) X
United Kingdom 07 Feb 1994 (r) X United Kingdom Flag.gif

13 Oct 1997

United States signature X
Uruguay 22 Dec 1991 (r) X Uruguay Flag.gif

10 Mar 1999

Uzbekistan 07 Feb 1996 (a)
Venezuela 03 Mar 1998 (r)
Viet Nam 13 Mar 1995 (a) X
Yemen, Republic of 21 Feb 1996 (a)
Zambia 15 Nov 1994 (a) Zambia Flag.gif

27 Jul 2011

Zimbabwe 01 March 2012 (a)
TOTALS: 183 Parties 81 Ratified

(4 More Implemented)

* Gray shading indicates an Annex VII country.

General Note: Due to the constant change in status of various treaties, amendments and protocols, the Basel Action Network cannot ensure the absolute accuracy of all of these listings in this table. We therefore appreciate those that will call our attention to any errors or changes in status to assist us in updating the table as accurately and in as timely a manner as possible.