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==Action Alerts==
==Delegate Alerts==
* [https://conta.cc/2XRp2qC Crowd Sourcing A COVID-19 Relief Fund to Help Bangladesh Shipbreaking Workers - 2020 04 16]
* [https://conta.cc/2KnYm99 Basel Secretariat Plan to Hold OEWG 12 Electronically: Not a Good Idea] - 2020 04 22
**[https://conta.cc/3bvwkVa El plan de la Secretaría del Convenio de Basilea de realizar la reunión OEWG 12 electrónicamente: no es una buena idea (Español)]
**[https://conta.cc/2xHllta Le Secrétariat de la Convention de Bâle prévoit d'organiser le GTCNL 12 électroniquement: pas une bonne idée (Français)]
* [https://conta.cc/2WrqrSz OEWG12: The Questions that Remain] - 2020 05 04
** [https://conta.cc/3drijbJ Grupo de Trabajo 12: Las Preguntas Que Quedan (Español)]
** [https://conta.cc/2SBLvVd Groupe de Travail 12: Les questions qui subsistent (Français)]
* [https://conta.cc/3esqQLN For the Third Time Africa Calls for Postponement of OEWG12]
** [https://conta.cc/2TQtzqq Pour la troisième fois, l'Afrique appelle au report  de l'OEWG12 (Français)]
** [https://conta.cc/2TLsK2j Por tercera vez, África solicita el aplazamiento del GTCA12 (Español)]
'''Action Alerts'''
* [https://conta.cc/2Yte9Kp Swiss/Ghanaian e-Waste Proposal: Fails to Solve the Real e-Waste Problem]
** [https://conta.cc/2UBftcP Proposition suisse / ghanéenne sur les déchets électroniques: Elle ne parvient pas à résoudre le véritable problème des déchets électroniques (Français)]
** [https://conta.cc/3hpDoGf La Propuesta Suizo-Ghaniana Sobre Los Desechos Electrónicos: No Resuelve el Problema Real de los Desechos Electrónicos (Español)]
Action Alert #1 / Acción de alerta #1 / Alerte d'action No. 1
* [https://conta.cc/2EyoXkE Two Important NGO Side Events at OEWG12]
*[https://conta.cc/32eUyOf Just Two More Ratifications Needed to Ensure a COP14 Ban Amendment Celebration]
* [https://conta.cc/39eMbc7 EU Contradicts Itself, Proposes to Use Article 11 to Circumvent the Basel Ban Amendment]
*[https://conta.cc/2Zvwo1B Sólo Dos Ratificaciones Más Para Asegurar La Celebración De La Enmienda BAN COP14 (Español)]
*[https://conta.cc/2GEZC5i Plus que deux Ratifications manquent pour garantir l'entrée en vigueur du « Ban Amendment » à la COP14(Français)]
Action Alert #2 / Acción de alerta #2 / Alerte d'action No. 2
*[[:File:BAN and IPEN Views of Basel COP13 15 Apr 2017.pdf|BAN and IPEN Quick Views of Basel COP13]] - 2017 04 20
*[[:File:Delegate Alert TBM COP13 A4.pdf|Time to Repair the "Repairables Loophole" in the e-Waste Guideline]] - 2017 04 21
*[https://conta.cc/2Kon10b The Circular Economy Threatened by Basel e-Waste Guidance]
*[https://conta.cc/2ZwfAaG Economía Circular Amenazada Por La Guía De Basilea Sobre e-Waste (Español)]
*[https://conta.cc/2L1htZP L'économie Circulaire Menacée par les Directives Techniques sur le Mouvement Transfrontalier des Déchets Electroniques de la Convention de Bâle (Français)]
*[[:File: Delegate Alert -1- Preventing More Dumping of Electronic Waste in Developing Countries.pdf|Preventing More Dumping of Electronic Waste in Developing Countries]] – 2015 04 07
*[http://wiki.ban.org/images/c/c9/Delegate_Alert_2_Letter.pdf Canada in Breach of its Basel Obligations]] – 2015 04 10
*[[:File: Delegate Alert -3- Fulfilling the Promise of the Basel Convention – Ratifying the Ban Amendment.pdf|Fulfilling the Promise of the Basel Convention – Ratifying the Ban Amendment]] – 2015 04 15
*[[:File: Delegate Alert -4- BAN presents major new e-Waste film on 5 May, Tuesday night, Room 13.pdf|BAN presents major new e-Waste film on 5 May, Tuesday night, Room 13]] – 2015 04 28
Action Alert #3 / Acción de alerta #3 / Alerte d'action No. 3
*[https://conta.cc/2GuYWPR Preventing the Plastic Waste Tsunami: Adopting the Norwegian Proposal at COP14]
*[[:File: Delegate Alert -1- Entry Into Force- Announce your Intent to Ratify Ban Amendment at COP11! .pdf|Entry Into Force: Announce your Intent to Ratify Ban Amendment at COP11!]] – 2013 04 26
*[https://conta.cc/2GuYUHJ Prevención del Tsunami de Desechos de Material Plástico: Adopción del Protocolo Noruego en COP14 (Español)]
*[[:File:Delegate Alert -2- Illegal- European Commission Cannot Unilaterally Remove Ships.pdf|Illegal: European Commission Cannot Unilaterally Remove Ships]] - 2013 04 26
*[https://conta.cc/2GA4ita Prévenir le Tsunami de Déchets Plastiques: Adopter la Proposition Norvégienne à la COP14 (Français)]
*[[:File:Delegate Alert -3- Preventing the Digital Dump- Ending Re-use Abuse.pdf|Preventing the Digital Dump: Ending Re-use Abuse]] - 2013 04 26
*[[:File:Delegate Alert Extra- Delegates Must Not Allow Basel Exemptions For E-waste.pdf|Delegates Must Not Allow Basel Exemptions For E-waste]] - 2013 04 26
==Action Alerts==
Action Alert #4
*[https://conta.cc/2Gxv2uu New research exposes a crisis in the global trade of "recyclable" plastics]
* [https://conta.cc/2XRp2qC Crowd Sourcing A COVID-19 Relief Fund to Help Bangladesh Shipbreaking Workers - 2020 04 16]
Action Alert #5
*[https://conta.cc/32eUyOf Just Two More Ratifications Needed to Ensure a COP14 Ban Amendment Celebration]
**[https://conta.cc/2Zvwo1B (Español)]
**[https://conta.cc/2GEZC5i (Français)]
*[https://conta.cc/2GwHYke Highest Level of World's Most Toxic Chemicals Found in African Free-Range Eggs: European E-Waste Dumping a Contributor]
*[https://conta.cc/2Kon10b The Circular Economy Threatened by Basel e-Waste Guidance]
**[https://conta.cc/2ZwfAaG (Español)]
**[https://conta.cc/2L1htZP (Français)]
==Delegate Alerts==
*[https://conta.cc/2GuYWPR Preventing the Plastic Waste Tsunami: Adopting the Norwegian Proposal at COP14]
**[https://conta.cc/2GuYUHJ (Español)]
**[https://conta.cc/2GA4ita (Français)]
*[https://conta.cc/2Gxv2uu New research exposes a crisis in the global trade of "recyclable" plastics]
* [https://conta.cc/2wXpjNP Basel Secretariat Plan to Hold OEWG 12 Electronically: Not a Good Idea - 2020 04 22]
*[https://conta.cc/2GwHYke Highest Level of World's Most Toxic Chemicals Found in African Free-Range Eggs: European E-Waste Dumping a Contributor]

Latest revision as of 09:08, 25 November 2020

Delegate Alerts





Action Alerts